This one is different to the others, this one is about reminding yourself you are alive. You may be just plodding along day to day, counting the hours until the kids go to bed, eventually each day will merge in to one blurred week, then in to one blurred month. Next thing you know it’s June. If this is what has happened to you then keep reading. Today’s challenge is to do something that scares you, you can interpret this in any shape or form that you like as long as you try it.
This one is about teaching yourself that you can handle what life throws at you, that you are actually capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for. That is a lesson worth stepping outside of your comfort zone to learn every now and then. Think of something that you are scared of, or something you deep down want to do but are afraid of trying.
To help you understand what I mean here are some random ideas of possible situations that you have considered but haven’t yet conquered:
Join a gym, throw a dinner party, knock on your neighbours door and introduce yourself, have a go at saying NO instead of yes all the time, go camping, create your own business, volunteer for the school canteen, go from brunet to blonde, register in a fun run, start a DIY project, book a full body massage, ring in sick, ride a horse, go up in a hot air balloon, sky dive, buy a new car, meet someone. These are just random thoughts popping in to my head but I am sure you get what I mean there is something that you want to do it may be small it may be huge and you are afraid you can’t do it, or you will fail at it.
My most recent scary thing was actually buying a ticket to a blogging conference, now to make it even more real I need to book flights. It seems a bit scary to go out in to the big bad world all alone but it’s something I have to do to get my power back. You will never know unless you actually do it, and you need to do it before it becomes too late. I have done a few things this year that I had wanted to do but didn’t know how or if I really should and they are now the highlights of my year! Don’t be afraid to try new things, fear is a chemical and you can out smart it!
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on organising, DIY, parenting, meals, gardening, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!
Naomi Ellis says
I have booked myself in to go for a 10K run with a friend…outside…in public!! I am facing my fears here and am so scared about it! I will have to let you know how I go this weekend. I think it is great you are going to a blog conference. I have been to quite a few and you will love it! N x
renee01 says
Thanks Naomi, and I think your running is great I have been following along on your running journey! Some good music will carry you through the 10kms! R
Naomi Ellis says
Well, today I am happy to report I did it! Finished the 10K without stopping and now to work on my speed a little more 🙂
renee01 says
Nice Work! It’s so refreshing reaching a goal that seemed almost impossible! Make sure you brag to everyone! R