So it’s Monday and everyone always says “I will start on Monday” so today your challenge is to start getting more active today! There are so many ways that you can get some exercise in your day without going for a run or going to a gym. However don’t rule those two options out. Have you ever had a think about joining a gym? It was the best thing I ever did. I found a gym with a free Crèche; my membership is $19 a week. Before I joined the gym I would just go to the shops most days for something to do to get out of the house and I would end up spending say $60 on stuff I didn’t really need I was just filling time. Yes gyms seem scary but once you look into it they really aren’t full of muscular Ogres during the morning the gym is full of Mums there are hardly any guys there just the odd shift worker. Most of the muscle heads only come out at night, you would be surprised how many women are at the gym during the day.
First you need to set a time everyday to be active, you need to pen it in to your diary and work your other appointments, errands around it. This way you are more likely to stick to it and it will become habitual. In the morning is best, while the baby has her morning sleep, or the kids are at school or whatever your situation is. If mornings can’t work wait until your hubby gets home and head out the door with the dog or the pram, again at the same time every day.
7 Ideas For 7 Days A Week – Getting Active As A Mum:
1. Baby in the pram go for a walk, every day at the same time so it becomes habitual.
2. Hire a Treadmill from somewhere like BeFit Hire. This is what I did with my first as my Maternity leave was a rainy cold winter. Do not buy a Treadmill it will end up as a clothes horse, just hire one for a month.
3. Join a gym. Have a look around your local area the fitness industry is so huge there are all kinds of fitness centres all over the place. Go a few times and try a few different classes, if you like it join. Make a commitment to yourself, don’t worry about the cost you are completely worth it.
4. At 9am everyday once the kids are all dropped off put some fast music on and dance around the living room for 30 minutes, don’t laugh, it really works. Your heart rate will be up and you won’t even know that you are actually exercising, this one can be done with kids.
5. If you live near school why are you driving? Could you and the kids be walking to and from school?
6. On the weekends take the kids to a park, playground or an oval. Play chasey, run/walk around the oval, check this old post out Sunday Playground Workout.
7. Did you used to play Netball, Tennis or were you in to Swimming before you became ‘Mum’. Find a team, find a pool, find a Grandparent to babysit and get back in to it.
Above are seven ideas I have just come up with off the top of my head, there are so many ways that you can get active with or without kids. Do not keep making excuses make a plan, you need to do this more than you need to do the dishes, you need to do this more than you need to vacuum, those chores will always be there for later but your health wont. You are busy, I am busy, but Mother Teresa was busy, Leonardo da Vinci was busy, Lady Ga Ga was busy but they had the same 24 hours a day we have and with their time they did amazing things. The only thing stopping you is the excuses you keep telling yourself, it’s true isn’t it? Not as of today, today is the first day you put yourself first and do something active, ease in to it don’t overdo it, find something that suits your lifestyle and enjoy it, think of it as a gift to yourself not a chore.
Get off the computer and get motivated, today is a good time to start something that you deep down know you should be doing but just have never really made time for, start today!
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