Being a Mum means you are on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and it’s not the type of on call where you get paid if you get called in or not. It’s the kind of on call that wakes you up at 4am as someone has fallen out of bed, the kind of on call that calls on you all day everyday. Having kids is great I am not complaining I am just stating a fact that us Mum’s get the raw end of the deal if we work full time, part time or stay at home you are still the one who will be the first to hear the baby cry or the one they call for when they have vomited at 2am. It’s a tough gig being a mum but one you wouldn’t swap for the world, that said there are times when you get so sick of hearing the word Mum.
Sometimes you need some kid free time there is no shame in that, it is completely healthy and a well needed break at times. You need that time to take a breath, to hit your refresh button, to go to the toilet on your own, to walk around the shops and not have to hear a little voice say “Mum I need the loo” or “Mum I’m hungry”. You just need some space for yourself and today is that day.
It’s Sunday so there must be someone out there who can have the kids, ring them now and ask. Get your new clothes on that you bought yesterday ready as you are going out, if you didn’t get a chance to do that yesterday then it’s what you will do today. You could go to the movies, walk around the shops, go for a drive, grab a bite to eat, get a pedicure, go for a walk, go for a bike ride, anything. At first it will be refreshing, you will feel great and enjoy yourself when you are the only one in the change room or loo. You will enjoy not having to buy 4 lunches just your own, you will enjoy not having to wipe anyone’s nose or do up seatbelts.
Then after awhile you will start to miss the little peeps, that’s when you know it’s working. You have had some time and space to yourself and now you are healthy again if you don’t do this, if you don’t make this kind of time for yourself you will go crazy, you just will. You are not being selfish you are being sensible you need your space and you need your own time especially if you don’t work and you are in the house all day you need to get away and out now and again. I’m not talking pack up and leave just make a regular effort to include some alone time in your week you will be so much happier for it.
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on organising, DIY, parenting, meals, gardening, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

Love this. I am a big believer in Mum’s taking some time out. I had a couple of hours to myself today and it was great. I wrote a blog post, ran on my treadmill, listened to music I like and was able to eat really healthy because I could concentrate on it and was relaxed. Thanks for the reminder to do it more often. N x
See Yummy Mummies, if a mother of 7 can make time so can you! R
Yes, I am working on this.
For the moment, the only time I have alone is when I have a shower, and I don’t have a baby. It’s got to be done, I usually recharge mentally and physically with kids around. I don;t know if it would be the same as leaving the house alone. I will have to find out and see for myself.