You do not need to ‘go on a diet’ you just need to consume a good ‘diet’, see it’s all in the word its self. You can think of it two ways, you can go on some fad diet that worked for Beyonce but will not work for you, or you can clean up your overall diet, this is the one that will work for you. You start a diet that you found in a magazine, on the net or recommended by your mate you will set a start date right “I am starting my diet tomorrow” this start date mentally sets your mind up for a finish date, “I finally squeezed in to that hideous bridesmaid dress so now I can get off the diet”. Do you see how that is setting yourself up for failure? You also do not need to go on a detox for the weekend because your amazing body is constantly detoxing all the crap you put in it everyday, that’s it’s job. It has a few funny jobs that will work against you, it will crave sugar and fat as that was key to human survival, it will store fat when you try to with hold it also once key to human survival in times of famine, if you deprive yourself of food your metabolism will slow in order to not metabolise the limited food you are now living off.
The point I am trying to make is you can not trick your body into losing weight, all you can do is reprogram your mind in to making better choices. The way your body is right this moment is because of the choices you make everyday, it’s not because you had three c-sections, it’s not because you are big boned and it’s not all genetic, it is black and white, it is what you put in your mouth and how active you really are. If you want to change the shape of your body, you can do it but you just have to want it badly enough. I bet you make your kids eat their vegies, I bet if you have a baby you buy, cook and puree his food, I bet if you make your husband lunch you put health and love in to it. So why don’t you love yourself enough to do the same, because you sure are worth it girl, with out you there is no happy baby, kids or husband you are the skeleton of your family and you need to be healthy to be happy to be awesome.
Here is how easy it is, you have to automate your eating, you have to eat virtually the same foods everyday around the same times so it will become a habit, a good habit. I have already done the hard work and shown you my typical day here Losing The Baby Weight! The trick is to eat clean food, shit I eat chocolate I am a chocoholic, I drink coffee, I eat cake because if you deprive yourself of any of these amazing foods when you do get the chance you will binge so a bit of chocolate everyday isn’t going to hurt, maccas for breakfast, yiros for lunch and pizza for tea is going to hurt. Clean up your diet, clean out your fridge, don’t eat the kids left over’s because you think it’s a waste of food, re-train your brain to enjoy fruits and vegetables, lean protein, wholemeal anything, it wont kill you in fact it may save your life.
Yummy Mummy Hot Tips To Clean Up Your Diet
1. Do Not Diet, just don’t, do alter your lifestyle choices.
2. Eat clean healthy foods like your body was built to process.
3. Try and leave the white stuff out it is nasty manmade crap.
4. Do not deprive yourself or you will binge.
5. Automate your eating.
I just want to remind you that I have zero qualifications in this area, I just love being healthy and active and finding news to stay healthy and sharing what I learn and what has worked for me. If you are healthy you will be so much happier I promise you, then so will your entire family as it will have a flow on effect. I intend to set another 14 day challenge in the near future that will be focused on healthy eating and getting active, today’s challenge is for you to take a long hard look at how you have been treating your body. Open the fridge and pantry and take out anything that you know deep down you shouldn’t be eating, it’s not food so don’t feel bad about getting rid of it. Tomorrow do a healthy fridge top up, buy all the things you already know you should be eating but have been neglecting because you are too busy. Lets get your awesome back sister and lets start on the inside! Tonight you plan tomorrow you need to act!
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on organising, DIY, parenting, meals, gardening, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!
Naomi Ellis says
I have just done this recently. Stopped all of my crazy diet ideas and am working on a regular eating plan. I eat oats for breakfast with some frozen berries and I am starting to like it more and more every day. I have also cut out sugar as I was eating it way too much and found I had no control. I cleaned out our snack cupboard and have been buying a lot of fruit and vegetables and the kids have been eating them up like treats! I agree and love this post. Thanks for putting this together. N x
renee01 says
It’s too easy to put all your hopes & dreams into one silly diet! It’s just about getting back to basics just like you have done! Thankyou for visiting! R