Well my little chocolate muffins, the 14 Day Yummy Mummy Challenge has come to an end and I would love to know if you followed along, what changes you made to better yourself and how they made you feel. Sometimes I do wonder if there is anyone out there reading. If you did follow along and have a go at a few things I really hope you got something out of it.
It has just become too accepted that we Mums will put everyone else first and we don’t deserve anything until everyone else is content. Not true, this kind of attitude just breeds resentment, isolation, tired and unhealthy Mum’s. It’s just too easy to lose yourself once you become a Mum, I understand we do grow and become someone’s Mum but we should never lose who we were and who we really are deep down under all the nappies and fairy bread. You are still in there and you still deserve to be treated well and looked after by yourself. I really wanted you to find your inner goddess and to get your awesome back because it is a great state of mind to live in, but it really does take some effort to get back there. The most important thing to take from this is you are beautiful and you need to remind yourself often. You deserve new things, time on your own, you are entitled to make time to exercise and eat healthy, you are worthy of little treats like getting your hair done and just remembering to look after yourself as well as everyone else.
This was just a collection of my ideas to motivate you, take what you can from it and make it your own mantra. Often the focus of feeling good is on weight loss but there is so much more to it than that, there are so many other fast and easy ways you can feel good about yourself! The truth is, if you don’t truly look after yourself no one else will and you will eventually wake up one day unhappy, or worse unhealthy. Take charge of your life and live your beautiful life to the fullest. Oprah was really on to something when she preached ‘live your best life’. Here is my 14 things I wanted you to try so you can re-cap and maybe catch up on any you never got around to doing, if you did all 14 then the last fortnight should have been quite empowering and you should have uncovered your inner goddess, I know I have!
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on organising, DIY, parenting, meals, gardening, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

Thank you Renee for taking the time to do set these challenges. I have been following each day. I certainly do find myself putting everyone else first and then eventually fall into bed exhausted at the end of the night. My exercise is always a maybe rather than a priority. But this week has seen me make some changes. I changed my schedule so that I fit in some exercise after work and before I pick the kids up from daycare. I have just been jogging around the local park but it is a bit of time for myself that allowed me to clear my head and reward my body. At this stage I’m still working on my list of 5 things to achieve this year and I will still be indulging in my love of Cadbury chocolate, but just once a week. So thanks again Renee and keep posting your great Yummy Mummy posts.
Shelley, You are so welcome! I am really happy to hear you got it and you have made some changes in your day. Your future self will thank you for it I promise! R
Hi, I have been following your challenges, some are easier than others (still working on being active), others were easy (buying new undies and clothes). Thanks for this, it was fun and nice to do something for me.
Julie, That’s fantastic to hear, I am so glad you got something out of it and did something for yourself, don’t stop now make it a habit girl. R
Hi Renee,
i found your blog tonight and just wanted to tell you i absolutely love it! I love your yummy mummy challenge and will be starting it as of tomorrow. Good luck with your blog you are doing a great job!
Hey Tracey, glad you found me! Make sure you share my blog with all your yummy mummy friends and get them on it too! Thanks for your feed back! R