I know you know you need to get more active, and I also know you want to, and I am sure you’re little voice in your head continues to convince you to start tomorrow. There are a few myths I want to get out of your head that can help you on the road to a fitter healthier happier you. You think you need to join a gym, hire a treadmill, get a personal trainer, buy an abb rocker, or go running. You don’t need to go to any of these lengths you don’t even need to leave the house. Today I am sharing how I keep fit without spending a cent or even leaving the living room. All you need is a little motivation and a little music and you are on your way. Below is a video I have made for my Yummy Mummies to help you think outside the square and show you a no frills, no fuss, no one watching kind of way for you to get active. This is what I do on Sunday’s with or without the kids. It is a 20min cardio video made only on my iPhone condensed in to 2mins for you to get the idea, get motivated and make a start today!!! Turn the volume up!
No Excuses Anymore
I have a very simple way for you to get active and there is no excuse that can stop you, let’s go through the excuses you are already listing: You are injured: then don’t use that part of your body; you are too tired: sleep wont energies you exercise will; you don’t have time: then why waste your time watching TV or surfing the net; it’s too cold: this will warm you up; I will start tomorrow: you won’t because you didn’t yesterday. I bet I covered at least one of your excuses! Get over the crap you tell yourself, go get your trackies on and let me show you a really simple completely free way to start getting fit today.
What You Need
All you need is some space, some awesome music, some comfortable clothes (no one will see you so this part is easy) and some love for yourself. Don’t say you have to look after the kids because they can get in on it too. Pick a fast song and get moving, I love Katy Perry Firework, really listen to the words it is exactly what you need to hear.
The first song is your warm up so take it easy and use it to get warm. Feel your joints warm up as the fluid moves around them and feel your heart rate increase, this will lead to a warm feeling throughout your body, this means you have warmed up.
Pick a few more songs and dance around the living room for 15-20minutes. Once you get going you will enjoy it and wont want to stop. You can even do some sit ups and push ups or anything you feel like. It’s just about keeping your heart rate up for the time that you have available. Before you know it 20 minutes or so would have passed, pop on a slow song and dance yourself back to your normal heart rate. Finish off with a few stretches so you don’t pull up sore tomorrow and that is how you can get more active without spending a cent or without leaving the house, without making any excuses you really can do this. Make this a habbit, something you do everyday or everyother day, make it a priority your future self will thank you for it.
Special thanks to Bec my lil Sister in Law who did my video editing I know I look like I’m on speed but it gets the point across!! Fanks Bec!! For the hater’s, I am not a Personal Trainer nor am I claiming to be one. I just love being active and fit as a result and I want to share what works for me as a busy Mum of 3 so you can try it too.
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on organising, DIY, parenting, meals, gardening, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

Love it, there really is no excuses!!
Kat, I can see you dancing in the kitchen whilst organising!! R
Great suggestion. I love that song too.
Jessica, It’s has a great message that song, really fires me up when I start to forget who I was/am/want to be! R
Love, love, love it! I have joined my local gym(inspired by you), but was unable to get there on Sundays, due to lack of childcare, hubby out etc etc. But what a great idea! I would never of thought of this, will be trying, unless my kids die laughing at me! Love all your healthly posts on nutrition and exercise, your blog has motivated me a lot.
Julie, Thank you for your interest and amazing feedback! You joined a gym insprired by me, that’s awesome!!!!
If I sit around and do nothing by the end of Sunday I feel crap, if I do this or something active I feel energised! Kids will love it and probably get in to it too! R