We have all been told in the past you have to workout for 45 minutes to an hour for it to be effective, myself included. I am also guilty of being a member of my local Gym years ago and going hard for an hour thinking I was doing the right thing. Some people would even do back to back classes taking it up to 2 hours a day. I am a huge believer that anything more than 30 minutes isn’t necessary and now their is evidence backing this up.
There are multiple studies where they have examined people’s individual response to various workouts conducted over different duration’s. In particular one study has shown that when the duration was more than 45 minutes the levels of testosterone started plummeting and the levels of cortisol increased. For those that haven’t heard of it before cortisol is the hormone released in response to stressful situations and causes the body to store fat. So to workout for more than 45 minutes would prove counterproductive in most cases.
Obviously it has it’s place for people with certain goals or athletes who need to achieve elite levels but for you, me and the girl next door anything more than 45 minutes is simply causing your body too much stress in our already stressful world. So the obvious solution is to keep your workouts short and sharp. Which is perfect as that’s what I offer, that’s all I offer and all I recommend. If you have been following along for a while and know you need to do something then I’d love to help you get started.
We have our 8 Week Challenge starting on Monday 18th of March and I’d love to be your Trainer, Coach and Mentor for 8 weeks to help you achieve your goals. I’ve created such a safe place for beginners that you will fit right in too. With no men, no mirrors and like minded women our workouts are over in 30 minutes and that includes the warm up and cool-down. Secure your spot in our next 8 Week Challenge and let me help you become the best version of yourself.
PS. If you’d like to learn more about the next 8 Week Challenge feel free to email me or give me a call I am happy to answer all your questions. We kick off Monday 18th March. You can hit the button below to learn more.

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