Chicken, spinach, sweet potato and Greek yoghurt my fav lunch or dinner at the moment.
How good is sweet potato? Right now I am loving it, flavour or the month for me so I thought I’d share with you just how good these little orange guys are for you and just how easy they are to cook.
I have been spraying them with olive oil, wrapping them in foil and sticking them in the oven and baking them until they are soft. I chuck a few in the oven at once then stick them in the fridge to eat during the week.
Why Are Sweet Potatoes Good For Weight Loss?
They are high in dietary fiber, and low calorie content, and it gets better their high amount of water all work together to make sweet potatoes a great food if you are trying to lose weight.
High Fiber Content means they will keep you fuller for longer as they take up more room in your stomach. This fiber is slow at digesting means it takes longer to move through so you won’t get that signal to over eat.
Low Calorie Content means an average serve of sweet potato is 100 calories vs a white potato can be up to 400-500. Also they taste sweet and amazing so there is no need to add cheese, salt, or butter.
High Water Content means it is both filling and hydrating, the water also fills up your belly keeping you feeling fuller for longer preventing over eating.
So as you can see these guys are a bit of a super star when it comes to weight loss or maintenance. They are also full of vitamin A, beta carotene, vitamin C, B vitamins, manganese and potassium. You will do so much better for you body getting these from a vegetable vs a store bought multi vitamin.
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