Rule Number One To Being More Healthier: Make Time To Make Yourself Eat Breakfast
What my breakfast looks like most days it’s oatmeal some day’s it’s eggies
We know that it is in fact the most important meal of the day and skipping it might save you time but it slows your metabolism to a crawl. If you are having breakfast you could be eating what you see on tv, bread cereals and fruit juice, sugar explosion. You spike your blood sugar level which drops mid-morning rendering you starving for more carbs.
Instead try something nutritionally better like plain full-fat yoghurt with berries & nuts, scrambled eggs with spinach or oatmeal with almonds. These take 5-10 minutes to make and will change your day. They will keep you fuller for longer and stop you from binging at 1030am and 3pm (am I right!!!).
If you really believe you can’t eat in the morning then you should try a protein shake or a coffee. You must put something in your body for energy so you aren’t running on empty all morning. Set yourself up well for the day and your body will thank you for it.
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I used to be a breakfast person, as in couldn’t do anything until I’d eaten but lately (the last few months) I find I can’t stomach anything and just the thought of food makes me feel sick. I think it’s a stress related thing but it’s so annoying because “breakfast food” is my favourite kind. I hadn’t thought about a protein shake before, do you think a protein shake for breakfast and then something larger ie. more like breakfast at morning tea would still have a negative effect on my metabolism?
Jess, if a protein shake is all you can stomach then it’s a good start. It will more than likely be full of vitamins & minerals, with milk you have calcium, with a balance of protein & carbs it’s a solid start to any day I say. Then eat as soon as you can. Eat every 2 hours I say to keep your metabolism working at it’s best rate. R
I’m not really a liquids at breakfast person but at the moment I’m loving porridge, perfect for the cooler weather!
Maddi, Porridge is my weapon of choice too it’s a really healthy filling option. R