I have been invited to participate in an amazing campaign run by 1st available with a competition that offers $12,000 in prizes to you, my Australian readers, and me!! So keep reading to find out more!
Let me paint a picture first…… It’s Monday morning 7am Little Miss 2 has developed a rash on her belly and seems unusually lethargic. She’s warm and wants to be held. She pukes all over you! Oh good god! It’s time to make a doctor’s appointment. Doctor’s practice doesn’t open until gentlemen’s hours 9 A frickin M! So for the next 2 hrs you deal with her and wait to call the doctor. Have you been there? No kids? Well you know you need to call a doctor to book your overdue Pap Smear, but keep putting the call off, however you always find time to go on fb or read my awesome blog? Been there?
What is this 1st available? To cut out the frustrations with making a health-care appointment by phone 1stAvailable has created an online booking system. Here we are in the age of the Internet, but we are still need to call a doctor, dentist or other health-care provider during their business hours! I don’t know about you but my little cherubs never get sick during business hours, it mostly happens on a Friday night or Sunday afternoon! So with 1st available you can book your doctors appointments online, shit at 2am if you wanted to.
So much is done online now, one time my husband was in sunny Afghanistan and he ordered me a pizza delivered to our door over the net from a war zone! So why can’t we make a booking with our doctor this way? The 1stAvailable.com.au service is free for patients to book online or through the mobile app, and it will always be free for patient use.
To get this concept some attention and to get it off the ground 1st available are running a pretty serious competition with a pretty frickin awesome prize! A competition offering the winner to have their health insurance paid for the next 12 months. Valued at $4,980!! Shit yeah bro!! 
What’s in it for you? You register with 1st available you go in the running to have your Health Insurance paid for a year valued at $4980. Hello did you just read that!! OMG!!
What’s in it for me? If my reader’s take my opinion and voice seriously and register I go in a competition with the first prize being the opportunity to take my crazy family to the Gold Coast while and I attend ProBlogger13 a blogging conference. Shut the front door!
So if you love me like I love you. And you love how I blog for you almost everyday completely unpaid, answering all your emails, blog requests, health and fitness questions then you should click the link and follow the prompts to register. Not only do I go in a prize pool you get the chance to have your health insurance paid for 12mths that’s the real reason I was happy to be a part of this, to give my Yummy Mummies a chance to win something awesome!
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on health, fitness, organising, DIY, parenting, meals, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

I have had 2 kiddies sick this week. My daughter hurt her hip in dance class, pulled a muscle and was in so much pain, that she couldn’t even walk. I had to carry her everywhere. Doctors twice for her this week and physiotherapist twice as well. Fortunately she is on the mend and back at school tomorrow. Oldest on was ill on Thursdy night with a sore throat and an achy body. Razor blade throat on Friday, so no school for him. Doctor for the third day running! Arrrgh!
Oh Julie, that’s nuts! Did you register! Hope you win! R