If you are sick of washing towels then keep reading I have the answer for your family. For a while there everytime the kids had a bath/shower their towel went in to their room, on to their floor and wasn’t seen again until I’d go on one of my cleaning frenzies. I got so sick of finding towels, washing towels or worse, running out of towels.
So I waited for one of Target’s 30% off Manchester sales and off I went. My plan was to buy everyone their very own nice towel that they would use and have to put back or there would be no towel there next time. I had the kids with me so I let them pick their own towels, this helped create some ownership of ‘their towel’. My boring son chose a blue towel and my boring daughter choose a pink towel but it made sense they were happy. I have a purple one, Mr Chilled 1 has a white one and my husband has a beige one. I used to have all matching towels, all the same colour but this new way everyone knows their towel. It has worked out really well, the kids have their bath and go back and hang up their towel. As for being sick of washing towels, I now only wash them once a week, all five go in at once, they are hung out together and hung back up in the bathrooms later that day, no folding and putting away for me! So no more, “Mum where’s a towel” because they already know where their towel is. Try it, it works really well.
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