Today I ran in the 12km City to Bay Fun Run with my best running buddy (also a Mother) and we smashed it. Last year after having Mr 1, I used the goal of running in the 12km City to Bay to help me stay motivated and lose the baby weight and it worked perfectly, I lost the 17kgs that was hanging off my arse that you are left with after having a 10lbs2oz baby. I also met Kristin who became my running buddy and we trained together and ran an amazing time of 1hr 3minutes. It was a huge achievement for both of us.
This year with life being life, there was no way for me to go off training for long distance runs, as in I always have at least one little alien with me at all times. So I had all but given up on the idea of entering this year. There was also transport issues, how would I get there so early in the morning living over an hour away, how would I get home? This no husband sh*t stops me doing all sorts. Kristin somehow at the 11th hour convinced me to run, with words like “you are a machine, you will smash it” and I thought to myself you know what I need to do this run to prove to myself that I still got it! And how good an example would I be for my Yummy Mummy readers to prove that I do in fact practice what I preach and there is a chance someone will enter a Fun Run inspired by me. I did this 30% for me, 70% for my peeps!
I entered the run yesterday 2 hours before entries closed, having done little to no running training. It was an effort to execute this little no notice plan of mine, I decided to stay in the city to take the parking and driving dramas out of the equation. After the excitement of receiving my number wore off I started to doubt my ability, how the firetruck am I going to run 12kms with no training??? But knowing the little voice in your head is often a little liar, I chose not to listen to her and made the decision to own it!
And that I did, I ran with Kristin and it was like we had been training for ages, we just run together so well. I smashed it I am proud to say we ran 1hr 3mins which totally exceeded my expectations. I am really proud of myself and I am proud to set an example to my readers and my kids, that you need to set goals that seem IMPOSSIBLE in order to find out you are capable of achieving things that seem IMPOSSIBLE, because everything seems impossible until it is done. Even the word says I’m Possible (Audry Hepburn called that one).
So if there is something you want to do, but the little voice in your head keeps talking you out of it, sh*t girl, it’s time you just did it and you will surprise yourself and feel an awesome sense of achievement afterwards. Just do it sister, just do it before it’s too late.
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Fantastic to hear!
Julie, must be your turn to enter a FunRun!! R
Hahaha, you crack me up!!