I am the mother of three humans, this means three times I have been in hospital with a newborn so believe me when I say the following gift is the best thing you could give a mum to be. I made one of these hospital survival packs for my sister last year when she had her first, and this year another sister is about to have her first so I am again putting one together.
New Mummy Hospital Stay Survival Kit
1. Large kickers that can be thrown away (if you haven’t had a baby, just trust me on this one).
2. Bed socks, it can be cold in the hospital so can the floor.
3. Lip balm, aircon dries out your lips.
4. Dummies, she will no doubt aim for a dummy free baby but sister let’s be real, take a god dam dummy no one will think any less of you.
5. Moisturizer for your hands, just nice to have.
6. Note book & pen there will be things you’ll want to jot down, last feed, which boob, who visited, list of things for hubby to grab from home etc.
7. Hair ties, big one, something you probably forgot.
8. Wet ones, great to wash your face, hands, just to freshen up as needed.
9. Maternity pads, in case you were in denial you will be using these, lots.
10. Lollies, choccies, great for you and hubby for those nasty long nights when there is nothing to eat. Or when tears can only be helped by Tim Tams.
11. A cute little box for the new mumma to keep anything she saw as special. For example the socks bubs came home from the hospital in, the cut out of the birth announcement, somewhere to put her hospital wrist band or belly button peg. Trust me you will turn into a sentimental crazy woman when you become a Mum!
And to make it even cuter if you know it’s a girl grab everything in pink and blue things for a boy baby. Just a cute idea to get Mum something nice for the baby shower rather than more tiny clothes that will be vomited on anyway. Give it to the Mum to be and instruct her not to open it but to take it to the hospital and open it then and only then. It’s funny how if she opened it today it may look silly, but after bubs arrives it will all make sense.
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on health, fitness, organising, DIY, parenting, meals, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

That is a fantastic baby shower present. I love how honest and real your posts are. I love reading your ideas. Thanks again xo
Hey Chantelle, thank you! It is a great present for sure. Love telling it how it is 🙂 R
Thank you for posting this. I need to pack my hospital bag soon and this list is helping me.