I know slippers and PJs are fun but let’s get you something awesome for Mother’s Day this year. Let’s get you something that will help you find your fitter, healthier, stronger new you. Here are my Fit Mum Mother’s Day Gift Ideas.
1. FIT BIT. I love my fit bit, it tracks how far you have covered in a day, which also works as en eye opener to how far you haven’t covered in a day. It tracks how much sleep you got which really surprised me to learn how I suffer from broken sleep so I found it really interesting. This wont make you fit, but will help you track a few things that are really worth knowing.
2. YOGA MAT. You really only need a water bottle and a mat to change your life. You can come to my class or you can do one of my classes on my You Tube channel at home.
3. IPOD. You need music to work out to, if you walk or jog music will change your experience. It’s performance enhancing and helps distract you from actually exercising helps you enjoy it you definitely should try it. 4. GYM GEAR. Treat yourself not to food but to some new gym gear. I live in gym gear to the point where if I walk out in jeans and thongs I get asked by everyone in our house, “Where are you going?”. The gym gear out there these days is so comfy and looks so good you can wear it to the gym then out.
5. NEW SHOES. You need good shoes to workout in so why not treat yourself to some new runners. Some women have rows of high heels, I have row of runners I love all the new bright colours out there. If all else fails and you end up with socks, there is one thing I’ve learnt over the years is to treat yourself to a Mother’s Day present yourself. Don’t be scared to buy yourself something special for being a Super Mum, you deserve it.
P.S. Don’t forget to get yourself a copy of my eBook while it’s the Mother’s Day Sale, normally $14.95 now only $9.95.

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