You know what I think is funny, we have these babies and we have no idea what to do with them and when to do what with them. I mean there hasn’t been a stage with each baby, even number three, that I haven’t felt a need to Google, open a book, or ask someone what do I do now? How did cave women do it, how did she know when to start introducing dinosaur eggs to her toddler or when to make the switch from breast feeding to Tyrannosaurus Rex milk? So today I am sharing my ideas on starting your little nugget on real food.
Mr Chilled One didn’t start solids until he was six months old, he was a choker and it would scare the shit out of me. He had a lot of teeth, they came in at three months so with a mouth full of teeth he would take a bite out of anything and not know that he had to chew it so he’d swallow it and yep, choke! I am now so good a tipping him upside down, and hitting him on the back that I could work in a nursing home! So I started with soft foods to get him going.
In the supermarket they have these fantastic little sachets of food and it gets better they have no preservatives, sugar or salt they have some really natural ones on the market now. I did chop, boil, puree, freeze, and serve my own baby food with number one, but seriously do I look like I have time to stand in a kitchen all day, um no, so someone has already done it for me. Mr Chilled has grown up on purchased baby food and is a healthy happy little dude, so lose the guilt of not preparing your own baby food, he will never know! The sachets are great, always have one in the baby bag and you can feed it to them straight off a spoon, or it gets better as they get older they can suck it out! Yep, they can feed themselves!
When we would go out I would always take an avocado and a banana. Just cut the avocado in half and spoon it right in to their little mouth. No packaging, no guilt. Bananas are also package free and super healthy for growing bodies. Cruskits are a great starter food towards harder foods as they can suck them soggy, yuck but they love it. Rice crackers with avocado, bread with avocado, avoid butter/marg as long as you can. When starting solids aim to introduce vegetables and savoury tastes first then the sweet fruits and custards after that.
Babies have a very pure pallet, they have never eaten junk food so they haven’t yet been programmed to crave it. If you do give your bub something salty like a French fry watch him screw his face up and reject it a few times, he will do the same with something like a sugary doughnut. Don’t force junk on them, let their little bodies thrive on healthy fruits, vegetables, proteins and carbohydrates, not salt, fat and sugar for as long as you can get away with it. Never get caught out with no food on hand, always shove something in your handbag every time you leave the house so your little nugget can munch on some grapes or a sandwich while you shop in peace!
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