This post is a reader request, hope this answers all your questions.
How do you go eating throughout the day? Do you find yourself standing at the pantry thinking, “Hmmm what can I eat?”, then you walk away with a packet of the kids recess BBQ Shapes or a handful of chocolate? If this sounds like you keep reading. You need to automate your eating, you need to use repetition in the beginning so that it can become a habit, the habit of healthy eating.
A great way to ensure you don’t get it wrong is to make your lunch in the morning. Yep even if you don’t work there is no reason you can’t work out in the morning what you are going to eat for that day and have it ready to go so you are not finding yourself hungry and as a lazy result making bad choices when the afternoon munchies arrive.
This is my snacks and chicken salad lunch for today, I am not obsessed, I don’t always do it this way this is just me sharing an idea that could work for you. It just takes the guess work out of what to eat at that vulnerable moment when you are a bit hungry and it’s just easier to snack on crap rather than prepare something healthy as you have a kid hanging off you, as I do while I am trying to type this now. By taking 8 minutes to organise yourself in the morning, you are on your way to better health, it is that black and white and it is that simple. I do not count calories, I do not step on the scales, I just try really hard to eat clean (bar code free) and be active. I believe I am living proof that it works. I still eat chocolate and I had pizza for tea on Sunday night, it’s just a case of making good choices most of the time and certainly not depriving yourself or you will binge on crap when given the chance.
Typical Day In The Life Of Me
Breakfast is Oatmeal everyday.
I get a cappuccino on the way home from the gym.
Snacks are boiled eggs, raw veggies, fruit, yoghurt, biscuit’s & cheese, dark chocolate, nuts & seeds.
Lunch is a chicken/tuna salad, or something left over from last night.
More snacks, afternoon 3pm smoothie.
Dinner, can be anything usually a lean protein like chicken breast, steak, fish with salad or veg and maybe some brown rice if I can be bothered.
Lots of water I take my water bottle everywhere with me and drink it all the time.
Hopefully this gives you some ideas of how you can eat better and be on your way to better health. I chanllenge you to try it, even for one day, and I am 100% you will lose that blooted feeling that you hate and you will have more energy. If you are hungry eat, do not deprive yourself and learn to drink lots of water as most of the time you are probably thirsty but you think you are hungry. Your future self will thank you for it.
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Hi Amie, have just started a similar diet in that I am not depriving myself of anything. I still have bread and pasta but in smaller portions. Eating more fruit and veges. Organised healthy snacks. Exercise. Must include more water drinking. But this far better than starvation and denial right?
Cathy, sounds good! Don’t think of it as a diet, think of it as a life style that way you don’t stop and start it. I have bread and pasta too I just choose the wholemeal type, takes longer to digest and hasn’t had the good stuff bleached out. This is the best way to live, eat clean. 🙂
Ps sorry, just called you amie instead of Renee! D’oh!
Aime is French for Friend so I’m happy!!! X
Hi Renee,
Just wondering if you know which brand of yoghurt is the best to eat, as alot of them have alot of sugar in them!
Tracy, Greek yoghurt or natural European is best, if you want sweet add blue berries or strawberries. Higher in protein and probiotics. R
wow….is that all you eat, if so it wouldn’t be classed as healthy. Sounds like if that’s a typical day for you you need to eat a lot more 🙂
Anonymous, thanks for your concern yet I am confident that I have a great balance. Your BMR or basal metabolic rate indicates the amount of calories your body burns. I use this to calculate my nutritional requirements, and for me 1200-1400 calories a day is what my body needs. So that’s what I feed it. I don’t count calories as such but if you were to you would see that my food matches the requirements. I maintain a healthy fit body and fall with in the recommended weight range for my height and age. Remembering that different sized engines burn different amounts of fuel, this wouldn’t suit everyone, it is me showing what works for me! Thanks for reading! R
Personally I’ve read a TON about nutrition over a span of 2 decades and I have to say I can’t see anything wrong with your diet! I think if more people ate like you there wouldn’t be an obesity problem in Australia. Jus sayin! From photos on your blog I can see you are a small frame and shorter than myself (5ft 7in) so the above sounds like more than enough to fuel you for the day. Keep up the interesting posts! 🙂
Janet, thanks for your comment! I agree of course! R