Every morning the first thing I would see, once it became light, was the walk in robe and it wasn’t pretty! It used to bug me so much that I’d get out of bed at night and shut the door so I didn’t have to see it when I woke up the next morning! There was just clothes everywhere it was just unorganised, my dirty little secret. So after some planning and a trip to Ikea I came up with a way to organise and maximise my space that now everything has a place and it’s no longer a disaster.
I did this a few months back before I stared the blog and I didn’t think to take before photos so I can only show you what it looks like now. I took out all of the clothes and did a huge cull, there was stuff in there that I hadn’t worn for years and maternity wear that I will hopefully never wear again. So after a big cull and a huge donation to the Salvo’s I had halved the mess.
Not everything needed to be hung and that’s all I could do before which meant heaps of hangers and not much space, and it just never really seemed organised. So a trip to Ikea was the only way to make progress. I found these chest of drawers for only $99 each it was cheap solution to an ongoing problem, they don‘t have to look flash as no one would see them, unless you take pics and stick them on the world wide web!!! So by bringing in the drawers it gave me plenty of room to put clothes away and meant I didn’t have to hang everything. It’s good to be able to shove everything in a drawer and not see it. Out of site out of mind, just took away the cluttered feel that I had going on.
I have hung my clothes over one of the chest of drawers and the other one I have left an area to put my bits and pieces. We have two sets of drawers each but I swear he has more stuff than me, well lots of uniforms don’t help I guess. I have shoe holders and any handbags etc are in one of the drawers this just keeps the floor clear of clutter. The best thing about this little space is it is great to hide from the kids, they never think to look in there, I might even move in there for good!
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