This is to inspire you to think outside the take-a-way shop a little for those cold winter nights when you are stuck for an idea for dinner. It’s cold and it’s yucky and it’s all too easy to reach for comfort foods on these kind of nights, but let me show you an easy and fast way to make something healthy, hearty and filling. Soup, your best friend in winter, ditch the white pasta dishes, or the crumbed and deep fired heart attacks get back to basics and check this out.
Had no idea what to do for tea tonight, found myself at Coles grabbing milk and bread, and I saw these two lonely little containers of pasta sauce that nobody wanted to the point where they had been dropped down to 99cents each. They were coming home with me.
I plopped their sorry butts in to a saucepan chopped up potatoes, sweet potatoes and added a few veggies from the freezer, boiled and dinner was done. Dinner was served for $1.98!! I often pimp out cans of soups, if there is night I am in a hurry but do not want to turn to a pizza I grab a can of soup as a base and add a heap of veggies to make it a hearty meal. You can even let the kids have a say at what goes in it and they will think it was their idea and they will be happy to eat the dinner they think they had some creative say in! Try it, works every time.
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