Today started out really well, long story short the kids ended up sleeping at my sister’s house last night which meant I SLEPT IN UNTIL 8AM!!! Yes unheard of in this house, especially on a school day!! Then back home the little nuggets came, so began our normal Wednesday off to the gym.
Then for some reason via Maccas on the way home for a treat as Little Miss 4 had no kindy today so it seemed like a good idea at the time. She had complained of a sore tummy a few times, so I set her up in front of the TV with water and a movie. Until she started crying and complaining her belly hurt, she was crouched on the floor then her mouth opened and out came her chomped up Happy Meal, which made me really unhappy as it landed all over my rug!! Stripped the unhappy Happy Meal eater off, threw her sorry butt in the shower and cleaned up Ronald McDonalds mess.
Then the day vanished and it was school pick up time, I had not long gotten out of the shower, just chucked my wet hair up, threw on whatever clothes I could find as it is just a drive by the pickup zone, don’t have to see or speak to other humans. Get there, no familiar kid to pick up, none of them are mine! Great, something’s gone pear shaped. See on kindy days he is to walk to the kindy where we all met and on non-kindy days he goes to the pickup zone for some reason he keeps getting his days mixed up. So furious I park the car, get out my filthy toddler who needs a clothes change and bath, drag out sick Little Miss 4 who announces she has no shoes on. Drag my daggy self and 2 even daggier children through the school to find Mr 8 playing happily away not knowing how much it was killing me to be seen in my daggy trackies with no make up on, hair dripping wet, not a good look among all the well groomed school mums, whateves!
Get home, unload, unpack, make lunches, feed toddler, things are looking up! Spoke too soon toddler pukes, ahhhh who next? It’s official we have some kind of puke bug in our house. Strip him off, chuck in the tub, PJs on and straight to bed! That has to be the end of it, set myself up for some serious blog action, in comes Little Miss 4 who makes my least favourite announcement, “Mummy I got vomits” bbbllllllllluuurttt out comes god knows what all over the floor boards this time, that’s a little bit more considerate for Mummy darling. Tie her hair back, clean her up AGAIN, decontaminate and wait for the bug to just try and penetrate my super human armoured immune system, I’m always the last one to get everything and then who looks after me? I need a day off, in fact I need a holiday!!!
So how was your day?
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Thank you for making me smile today, I know this really wasnt a good day for you but its nice to be reminded that other people are also out there having bad days with us! Hope youre all feeling better now. xx