At the beginning of this year I made a promise to myself, that no matter what I wanted to have a really good year, with no more moping around with my life on hold. My life was full but wasn’t full of adventure. With that in mind I began my blog, took my fitness more seriously and started to put myself first for the first time. This inspired me to create the Yummy Mummy Challenge as a way of helping other Mums get out of their rut.
Remember in the Yummy Mummy Challenge I challenged you to make a list of 5 things to achieve this year and I played along too. Well I am so excited about being able to tick two of them off by this time next week! Yes this Friday I fly to Sydney to attend my first ever blogging conference OMG really, yes really! And not long after arriving and checking in to my Hotel I will be climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge! It’s all happening, because I am going to make it happen, this housewife is looking for an adrenaline rush!
I obviously want to go to the blog conference to learn more about the big bad world of blogging as I have just been making this up as I go. I am hoping to actually learn a heap of stuff and meet other bloggers. Why climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge, I have always wanted to climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge, only the biggest steal arch bridge in the world, it kind of is Australia’s Eiffel tower, which I have climbed and loved the height, the wind in your hair, the view, the history the total package! But it seemed all too hard to do, you know with three kids to drag around everywhere. But I wrote them on the list of things to achieve this year and the only way to tick them off is to just do it. Rememebr nothing is impossible, you just have to want it enough. How are you going with your to do list?
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on organising, DIY, parenting, meals, gardening, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

My list is not quite as exciting as yours, but I have a few things I would like to achieve this year. Weight loss (3 kilo’s to go) is one and increase my fitness. Need to add some more…
Congratulations on soon to be crossing two things off your list 🙂
Does this mean you will need to add another two? 😉
Hey Kat, I love your list your health should always be at the top! I don’t think I could fit anything else in this year unless it was a trip to Hawaii I could fit that!!! R
Well done you! I have always wanted to climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge and I never have and I live in Sydney! Maybe for my 40th birthday (which is this year) lol. Like the person who commented above me, I would also like to increase my fitness and that is something I am still trying to achieve, much harder in winter. Have fun at the bloggers conference.
Julie, get it on a list and get in on the fridge so you see it everyday! The list makes it real, then go for it! R