Little Miss 4 is at that age where every toilet roll or empty Weetbix box in the house needs to be turned in to something and that means getting out the glue, texta’s, scissors, play dough and making a right mess on the kitchen bench. Creative play is a wonderful yet messy thing.
At meal times I needed a way to pack it up quickly with out upsetting her and I wanted it to be kid friendly so she too could pack it away when she is done. So I cleared out some room in one of the kitchen cupboards right by the area she likes to sit at and moved her bits and pieces in. I found the best way to contain her mess was with containers, so I looked around the house for what I already had and repurposed a few things. All her colouring and drawing books are now all together in the big tub. Her pens, pencils, texta’s and glue are easy for her to get out, and so are all her little stickers, feathers, stencils you name it. The beauty of this is it is super easy for her to pack up too, so it went from a way for me to pack up quickly and effortlessly now she packs up all by herself because she is a ‘Big Girl’ now!
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