On Tuesday morning I woke up to another ordinary day, jumped out of bed, made a cup of tea and sat down to the computer to check my emails, facebook and blog like I have become so accustomed to doing every morning. To my horror the internet would not connect and I was unable to open anything, so a quick phone call to my away with work husband we discovered we had used our monthly internet allowance and it would not be reset until Friday.
At first I was frustrated but accepted the situation and thought how hard can it be a few days without internet what’s the big deal. However as the day went on I soon realised how much I rely on the internet and wondered how people survived without it. The most frustrating part of all this was the internet had been used up by the kids on the IPad watching YouTube clips of anything Starwars, which at the time didn’t bother me as it gave me time to blog, email, cook, clean, shower, dress, eat, breath, I was happy they were happy and entertained. What I didn’t realise was how much they were doing it and how much it was chewing up our internet. I honestly thought it was cute and clever that my 4 year old could navigate her way around an IPad, I thought I was doing the right thing bringing the latest technology in to the home so the children can keep up with their peers in this fast paced world. Now I am not so convinced and I will be making some new internet rules let me tell you.
See I hate technology, it just doesn’t interest me. I hate the fact that you spend a heap of money on a TV then a month later it is old technology and there is better ones available. I hate that you buy a phone and a few months later there is a newer better one on the market, and your phone is now out dated. I hate that you buy a computer and then a year later you buy a video camera, however the video camera can’t be uploaded on the computer as the computer is outdated, hello its only 12 months old, that’s new isn’t it! I hate mobile phones, I hate seeing phone faces walking around looking down at their phones. I have had the same old Nokia phone that bounces when I drop it and had survived many drink bottle leaks, however for my birthday I was given an IPhone. I have to get my kids to show me how to use it. For some reason instead of embracing technology I hate it.
The biggest lesson I learnt this week was I cannot live happily without internet. I must be some kind of addict because I have been miserable all week and have never felt so isolated in my whole life. I could not check my emails, I could not check facebook which is how I keep in touch with everyone, I could not blog, which really upset me as I really love it, I couldn’t check how to spell a word on Google, I couldn’t check my bank balance on the net, pay a bill, couldn’t download a song I heard on the radio on the way home from school, all these things I do on a daily basis that I had no idea how much they make my life easier or complete. I could not live without the internet, even now I am at my Mums house with my laptop blogging my heart out, catching up on emails, and facebook you name it. I hope you never have to go through this experience, it was too hard I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy! Us stay at home Mums are very lucky to have the internet and each other to blog to or blogs to read can you imagine your life without the net, try it its actually really hard.
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