You all know I am a workout junkie, it’s just my thing and yes it is my drug of choice without it I am not myself. My workouts are quite habitual really, I have always had a thing for endurance, be it running or out lasting, or keeping up with the guys in the Army. So when Fitness First offered me to swap my workout with another Fitness First blogger for the week it sounded like fun. Little did I know I would draw the short straw and be matched up with a super hot, young, body sculpting babe. So my typical weekly workout was given to the energetic Zoe from ZOMT, and I landed hers weights and all.
All good, not one to shy away from something new I got stuck into it, in fact I’ve done it for two weeks as I loved it so much. Nothing like trying something new and seeing results right away, that’s such a good thing to do when you feel you have hit a wall. Gets you back interested again.
Zoe’s workout was great and simple to follow, basically in this format:
Monday – Arms + 20 Mins cardio.
Tuesday – Legs + 20 Mins cardio.
Wednesday – HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
Thursday – Arms + 20 Mins cardio.
Friday – Legs + 20 Mins Cardio.
Saturday – HIIT
Sunday – Die, no I mean rest.
Feeling strong and motivated to continue on this path, might put my endurance running type training on hold and see what continuing on this line of training will do to my old body. Might be the fountain of youth! Zoe also shared a really great recipe for a treat check it out below.
Click here for this awesome cocnut ice-cream raspberry tahini recipe from Zoe
Thank you Fitness First for the challenge and thank you Zoe of ZOMT for the motivation
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What a great idea!
Would love to know what exercises/weights are involved in “arms” and “legs”.
I feel I am about to hit the wall with my weight routine and need some new ideas! 🙂