Here in Australia we are about to hit another long cold winter, which means on go the comfy clothes and out comes the comfort foods. Not on my watch! Today I am sharing some ideas with you so you can super charge your butt and get ready to kick winters butt!
As part of my partnership with Fitness First they have amazingly given me $250 to spend on super charging my health and fitness so I figured what better way than to set up for a healthy winter.
Super Charging My Fitness With A New Pair Of Running Shoes
You either love or hate winter and it all too often becomes an excuse why you shouldn’t workout, “it’s too cold”, sound familiar? One thing I love to do is run, it’s time for just me with music in my ears it’s a little bit of freedom. I actually love running in winter, I love to run in the drizzle of rain, the cold air in your lungs reminding you that you are alive. So new shoes have been bought.
Super Charging My Health With Some Great Super Foods
Too other things come with winter that will slow you down, a cold and comfort food. Winter shouldn’t mean hibernation it should mean you continue on with eating healthy and looking after yourself. So to combat both of these there are a few things we can do. Start meal planning is the first one, have an idea of what you will eat each night and shop around that meal plan. This will save you from picking up take-a-way on the those crazy nights during the week.
Another great way to fend off colds and flu’s is to up the in take of ‘Super Foods’ in your’s and the families diets. These foods are a power house of essential nutrients and all taste great. Adding these foods to the families diet will keep everyone healthier for longer. So I spent some money on stocking up on super foods these above are the ones I will aim to eat some of each day, salmon, broccoli, blueberries, oranges, eggs, dark chocolate and drink a cup of green tea each day.
Just two great ways for you to super charge your health and fitness this winter. When was the last time you bought new running shoes and when was the last time you ate a super food?
If you are looking for a gym head to Fitness First and make a change for the best.

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