It’s getting hot, it even got up to 40 degrees, this week…. what comes with a hot day is the comment “It’s too hot to cook!”. You have been cooking hot meals for most of winter, now it’s a matter of reprogramming your thinking with regards to dinner and think of cool summer night meals that take less effort and little cooking. Don’t order pizza, do buy from the deli section at your supermarket, think cold meat and salad. I have a great summer’s evening meal for you that might change the way you think.
Yummy Mummy Prawn Summer Salad
Prawns are not just for Christmas day, they are a nutritional explosion that for some reason are left off the weekly meal plan and are only eaten on special occasions. Not in my house, last night and often, I like to have prawns and salad for dinner. I buy $5 of prawns from the deli section at Coles and we get two meals out of it, dinner that night and lunch or dinner the next day.
Nutrition Facts For Prawns:
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