More weekend entertaining led to more thought of what food to have on hand. I try and avoid just bags of chips for nibbles I like to sneak something healthy in there as I know the kids will be feeding their faces on it. It’s a great idea and really easy to make your own dips instead of buying the dips at the supermarket that are full of preservatives, colours and whatever else they have thrown in for shelf life. They are ok for short notice but if you know you want to have dip next time have a go at this, it’s so much nicer.
Spinach Dip In A Cob
1 x 250g Cream Cheese, 1 Packet of French Onion Soup, 1 Cup Fresh or Frozen Chopped Spinach. Whip up cream cheese until it’s smooth, add soup powder, not all of it as it can be very salty, add the spinach and mix it up. Done that easy.
Find a cob in the bakery section of your supermarket, cut the top off and pull out chunks of the bread, keep for dipping. Plop the dip in to the cob and serve on a large plate with a variety of vegetables and biscuits for your guests to dip. Serve cold or it can be put in the oven and heated up for a warm dip with crunchie bread. Happy entertaining.
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