My husbands job means that he is away from home a lot, but this year he is away from home a lot more than normal. He’s been gone for a good 2 weeks and isn’t back for a few more. He will tell me off for putting that out on the world wide web but it’s got a lot to do with why I started the blog so it’s kind of relevant. It wears you down some days, being at home with three kids and no hubby to ring to say “can you get milk on the way home we are about to run out”, no no if that’s the case it’s scoop all three up and drag them to the shop to get milk. Or if I am about to get low on petrol, he would fill my car but now it’s an entirely planed operation of when I can get petrol with the least amount of kids possible so I don’t have to drag them all in to pay.
I am tired, so tired. Little Miss 4 does this thing when he goes away, she wakes up at 2or4am every night, I thought we were over it but she is back doing it. I can’t fall asleep at night when he is away, I hear noises that are probably there when he’s home too! It’s Master 7’s birthday tomorrow so I am running around getting that ready with a tired 1 year old! My 1 year old is fast and in to everything, Little Miss 4 is tired and grumpy from her 4am wake ups, but she never stops talking, and poor Master 7 gets stuck with the boy jobs, taking out the bins, feeding the rabbits, but I think that will probably just make him a better husband one day.
I try and keep everything as normal for the kids when he is away but who keeps it normal for me? I thrive on routine, but today I’m just too tired to organise, shop, wrap, be creative, be chirpy. Sometimes I find myself in a hurry for Little Miss 4 to go to school but then I know I will miss her and wish she was little again! Sometimes I even find myself looking forward to 2016 as all three will be in school, bad I know! I’m still bitter that I couldn’t attend a International Women’s Day morning tea that I was invited to last week because I had a 1 year old to drag along and a kindy pick up that only I could do.
It’s a tough gig being a Stay at Home Mum I had truly underestimated it, remembering I was a Solider before this so I know tough and this is the most underestimated underappreciated underpaid under recognised job in the world. Yet it is one of the most important jobs in the world. Such a precious job but to do it properly can really leave you feeling tired, frustrated, resentful and really quite isolated. I’m letting you in on a huge secret, every Mum standing next to you at your mothers group, kindy pick up, school pick up or in the supermarket check out is feeling exactly the same. You have to remember you kids have no idea, they think you are awesome, and that means you are. To the world you are one person, but to one person you are their world! Chin up mums we are all doing a great job!
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Yes u are a supermum! Don’t know how u do it with 3!
Love the blog! Happy Birthday to J-man from Cheesecake!
I loved this!! Just what I needed to read, thankyou. My hubby is also away alot and has just gone away for a 3mth work trip. As a mother of a 2.5yr old and another on the way I know how hard it is to play solo mum (permanent or temp). Got a little teary when I read this but worth it! Thanks.
Thankyou both for your lovely comments!
Thanks for reading my crazy tired thoughts! I am glad they make sense to others! R
Its hard isn’t it. I know sometimes I just want to be able to go and sit by myself in a coffee shop and re-group and remember what it was like to be pre-baby me! With three kids I am sure you could do with a more than a few moments like these. It sounds like you are doing a wonderful job. Keep it to the basics and when Dad gets back, organise half a day to just run away! Thanks for linking up with Twinkle in the Eye.
Hey Bree, a coffee shop visit means someone is eating a sachet of sugar, someone has chucked a muffin on the floor or someone has spilt their baby chino!! I thing you should come ‘Like’ my FB pg as our boys are similar in age so some of my posts you will understand more than anyone! R