This post is a reader request, hope it gives you some ideas!
In my quest for clear skin which over the years has now turned to anti-aging I have tried countless products all promising wonderful results. I guess I don’t look like a witch so some of it may have worked over the years. I have been sharing my new found love of my lemon juice home remedies, I wish I found these years ago, but overall I think any kind of skin care is good skin care. I had two Nanna’s and even as a kid I had noticed that one had many more wrinkles than the other. As I grew up I learnt that one washed her face and wore make up, while the more wrinkly of the two didn’t wear makeup nor was she fussed with skin care. Love you two, if only you could see us housewives today and the sh*t get caught up with!!!
I think good skin care begins with good nutrition, if you eat a filthy diet you can expect a dull completion, if you eat like I have been going on and on about on this blog you have taken the first step to good skin care. Here’s what I’ve learnt and what works for me:
Cleanse. Wash your face every night before going to bed, even though you are so tired, just get in the bathroom and remove the grime of the day. No need for fancy products, just any cleanser will cleanse.
Moisturise. I also think any brand will do it’s just about hydrating the skin and showing it some TLC. Think of internally moisturising by drinking lots of water.
Exfoliate Exfoliate. I try to do this on Wednesday and Sunday evenings, just makes it easier to remember if you have a routine. Exfoliating gets all the crap out of your pores, removes dead skin cells, try my lemon juice and sugar facial scrub it’s the bomb!
Sunscreen. This is probably the most important of all, wear some kind of sunscreen everyday, even if it’s a 15+ tinted moisturiser it’s better than none at all. This will save your skin and it can mean leaving the house with no make up. I am loving Garnier’s BB Cream I even wear it to the gym in the morning and it doesn’t block your pores it just gives you the warm colour on your face that you kind of lose with not much sleep! So this stuff kills a few birds here, moisturiser, sunscreen and foundation alternative. It comes in dark and light, dark is quite dark though. Unpaid review, I am just loving this stuff and wanted to share with my Yummy Mummies.
It can really be that simple, by taking the time to cleanse and moisturise both morning and night I would predict you could start to notice a difference in a week if you were not currently doing anything for your skin. Any skin care is good skin care, you just have to care for your skin. Make sure you drink lots of water to stay hydrated and it will show on your face, think of fruit and veg as skin care too!
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