Remember when you were little and you’re parents would say things like ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’?. They were kind of right, and I know you know this because I am sure you wouldn’t let your little people out of the house without eating breakfast. So why do you not make yourself eat or drink something for breakfast in order to set yourself up for the day.
Breakfast doesn’t have to be fancy, I’m not talking all American sit com where they all sit down to freshly squeezed juice, eggs, pancakes, waffles, croissants etc. I am talking about you starting a new habit one that is easy to repeat each morning. Find something that you know you like, and something that doesn’t take too much effort so you can always fit it in.
Reasons You Should Never Skip Breakfast
1. Provides energy and nutrition throughout the day.
2. Prevents unhealthy snacking and over eating.
3. Helps with better performance, be it at work or home during the day.
4. Maintains normal glucose levels that prevents sugar drops and cravings.
5. Provides better concentration.
6. Help you lose weight, yes this is a time when eating will help you lose weight.
Breakfast ideas for those crazy mornings
Boiled egg on toast, oatmeal with nuts, toast with almond butter or peanut butter, yoghurt and frozen blueberries, baked beans, smoothie, protein shake, fruit salad, just a banana, or just a coffee. Just something to start the day off, you should eat within half an hour of waking to kick start your metabolism for the day.
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