Another day of school holidays another adventure to share. I grew up in a house of girls, I am the eldest of four girls so we never had motorbikes or anything electrical really we were all about Barbie! So raising two boys has been one amazing journey that I really have no idea what I am doing so I just make it up as I go along. Little Miss 4 just fits in the middle nicely and is one of the boys. I used to stress that being 4 years apart and the opposite sex that her and Mr 8 would have nothing in common but they do and they love hanging out together. They do mostly boy orientated things like play Lego, watch Starwars and hanging out in the back yard finding bugs. Mr 8 will have a go at Barbies now and again but Little Miss 4 would rather play Lego Starwars on the Playstation3.
We are a motorbike house and when we get the chance we go out for a day trip and take the bikes. Once Little Miss 4 has her helmet on you can no longer tell she is a girl, she has no fear and can cut it up! Even the little guy had a go at riding, well he thought he was riding, really just sitting! I am loving watching the influence the boy orientated things we do have on Little Miss 4, I always wanted a big brother and she is lucky enough to have a big brother and little brother. Sometimes she can be more boisterous than Mr 8.
Me and Mr Chilled hang out in the back of the car watching everyone else have fun. We eat and play while the hoons flick dirt up at us! School holidays are almost over and I am a little sad, it has been fun making the most of our time together. No rushing around in the morning has been awesome and not hating Sunday nights has been fun too. But I am ready for Kindy and School to start on Monday let me tell you, I’m not a bad Mum, just an honest Mum!!
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“I’m not a bad mum, just an honest mum”! Never a truer word spoken!
Ha Ha, I was wondering how that comment would go down, sometimes you just never know do you!! Thanks for the comment Jen, plus it means you read it to the end so thanks for that too!!! R