It’s been a very busy weekend of entertaining so it seemed like a great thing to share on the blog. I know I am not some fancy food blog but here I go anyway! I wanted to try something different for dessert, something that I could make earlier in the day and forget about so a cheesecake it was. I’ve called it rustic as it looks a little rough around the edges, much like me really!
I love blueberries and when you stick fruit in a dessert you can tell yourself it’s healthy (we both know it’s not right!). When you are entertaining stay away from things that need to be served immediately as they will have you stuck in the kitchen and you wont be able to enjoy yourself. A cheesecake is easy and can be made in advance. Here is how I put mine together, I don’t have a recipe I often just make things by feel.
Rustic Blueberry Cheesecake:
Base: 2 x Packets Scotch Finger Biscuits, 150g Melted Butter. Crush biscuits and mix in melted butter. Press down in a cake tray pop in freezer.
Filling: 2 x 250g Cream Cheese, whip up until smooth, add caster sugar to taste, add 1/2 a cup of fresh or frozen blueberries. Plop filling on base, back in freezer.
It’s really that easy it should only take you 15 minutes to make, no baking, no messing around with gelatine. Just take it out and let it come to room temperature about an hour before serving and everyone will think you are amazing, try it tonight!
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