With the hot summer officially over an Autumn eases us in to winter this can only mean one thing….. IT’s RUNNING SEASON
To be honest I accidentally found out I like running as it was an escape from my crazy house. When there is a dull moment I drop the “Hey I’m just going to go for a quick run”. Ear phones in and off I’d go, are you following? Time alone, no one to nag me, no one to speak to me, no one to annoy me, just me and P!nk going for a run. Then my runs got longer as they meant more break, more time alone, a more clearer head. Next thing I’d dropped the last 5kgs after baby number 3 and I had increased my distance up to 12kms.
Me and My Running Partner
But I’m Not A Runner
Are you a human? Then you are a runner, ha got ya no more excuses you are a runner you just have forgotten how to. Running is cardio, if you have a muffin top you hate and a butt that giggles then you need cardio, so you need running. Black and white mummas, run mummas run!!!
Find A Fun Run For A Starting Goal
Very soon the Fun Runs start, there are so many held in each state often they are also a great way to raise some much needed funds for some really great causes. So far I have managed to raise well over $1000 with my running for children’s charities and Breast Cancer research. Pick a Fun Run to get you started, be it a 3km, 5km or a 10km and we start training today! Yep today. There are even Fun Runs where kids can be involved Mr 8 and I did a 4km Santa Fun Run in Dec and we are doing the 5km Colour Fun Run in May and he can’t wait.
Click here to find a Fun Run Goal to get you started
Some Help Getting Started
I have heard good things about the concept of Couch to 5kms. It’s a running program for beginners like yourself. Below is the link and I want you to have a look at it because this could change your life.
Click here to find Beginner Program Couch to 5kms
So if you are unhappy with your body, feeling a bit unfit and over it, not quite sure where to start, the thought of joining a gym scares the shit out of you then running is for you. Don’t be scared of running, call it jogging if it feels less intimidating. Anyone can run, anyone can jog, you can jog, you can run and you can run a Fun Run this year.
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