Last night Mr Chilled 1 was dropped off at the grandparent’s house while the rest of us headed to the cinema to watch the new Disney Pixar movie Brave. I have really been looking forward to this movie coming out for a few reasons. I am the proud mother of a feisty red head tomboy, yes Little Miss 4 somehow inherited a red ringlet hair gene and pulls it of beautifully with her porcelain white skin and aqua blue eyes, just like the main character Princess Merida. However Little Miss 4 has just started becoming aware of her different hair and a few times has asked me why doesn’t she have blonde hair like me and her brothers or worse like Barbie!
My husband was born in Scotland, hence the red hair I blame him, so the fact this movie is set in Scotland was fun for the kids. The animation in the film is amazing, the characters hair and their clothing the standout, but I shouldn’t forget to mention the landscapes of the Scottish country side. It really captures the history and spirit of Scotland, if you haven’t been there stick it on your bucket list it’s worth the 24hour flight.
What I liked about the movie as I have already mentioned is this Princess is a tomboy with red hair who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty and isn’t wasting her life dreaming of Prince Charming sweeping her off her feet. The main characters are women, Merida and her mother Queen Elinor, who clearly wears the pants in the kingdom! It’s like the saying behind every good man (the King) is a good woman (the Queen who is really calling the shots) you go girl! My daughter has her Princess side but she can also hold her own and keep up with the boys. She cares more about the brand name Kawasaki than Barbie, I love that she has brothers and gets involved in everything they do, loves motor bikes, dirt, and will have a red hot go at anything. I am the eldest of four girls and sometimes I feel like I missed out not being exposed to boy things, maybe that’s why I ended up joining the Army couldn’t get enough boy stuff!
Overall the movie was a hit with the kids, Mr 8 even loved it as well as Little Miss 4. I didn’t love it, I liked it don’t get me wrong but I wouldn’t sit through it again like you would a Toy Story movie. There are some pretty dark and scary grizzly bear scenes that I wasn’t counting on that had Little Miss 4 with her face in her hands a few times, watch out for those. So hooray for women in charge, hooray for red haired tomboy’s who can switch between Princess dresses to beating the boys at their own game! Down side, and I don’t know how they get away with this, for the four of us to see the movie, kids to have a drink and popcorn each and me to have Maltesers a whopping $70, outrageous!
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