I often get asked to review products until it got too much of a commitment with too many deadlines so I seldom accept product review offers now. However when I was asked to review WaterWipes that is something I have used a lot of having three babies and I have an opinion on.
WaterWipes are a new brand of baby wipe that contains 0.1% grapefruit seed extract and 99.9% purified water. Sold, so no nasty chemicals and no alcohol what more could a Mum of a new born who poops all day long ask for? Mr 2 had eczema and used to get some nasty nappy rashes and when you’d clean his bottom your could hear the pain of the stingy nappy wipe in his cries. These would have been great for his sensitive skin. Now that little champ is toilet trained these will be used for wiping his boogies!
Thumbs up for this product which can be found at Coles and Bi-Lo for a RRP $6.99, which sounds on the expensive side but if you’ve had a baby with a sensitive tooshie this is a small price to pay.
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