Not something I had given much thought until Thursday when I received a call from a fellow school Mum who must have kept my number from a birthday invite. She opened with her son had been asking to play with my son would I be keen, hell yeah my kids are driving me nuts what did you have in mind? She announced that she had bought something on Gum Tree and needed to go pick it up, so she thought she could drop her son off at mine at 1pm then pick him up at 3pm. A little shocked all I could do was agree, nothing like being put on the spot, we have only met once.
When I got off the phone it occurred to me, this obviously very experienced school Mum kept the birthday invite with the number for a rainy day (yes today was raining). She had the balls to pretty much ask me to watch her kid, who I have met once, for 2 hours while she went out. Wow. Did I really agree to this? My son was of course over the moon.
After going over it in my head, the little voice I speak to daily advised me to txt and cancel it, just say something came up. I can’t do it, I can’t break my sons heart and this is a very cut throat Mum who knows how to play this game she will see through my weak txt and drop him off anyway.
The time came, she dropped and ran as I had feared. Now I had this kid to add to my kids, when I am already at my wits’ end with school holidays. Breathe. The arrangement was 1-3pm, when 4pm rocked up I was a little shocked but when 5pm rolled around I wasn’t sure if she wanted me to look after her kid or adopt him. She arrived a little after 5pm.
I am not an expert on play dates but I am tipping this isn’t the norm. Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger right, well I am an Iron Woman! What annoys me the most is the now state of Mr 8s bedroom, it was school holidays messy but now it is post war zone messy.
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wow definitely rude and definitely not the norm!!! I still stay for my kids playdates and I’ve known their friends parents for 2 years! I will sometimes leave the kids and vice versa but never for a long period of time… She also could have rang you (seeing as she did such a great job keeping your number!) to let you know she got a bit held up!
Acacia, I know right! I laugh about it now but yesterday I was furious! What crazy Mum does that, then I started thinking crazy or smart!!! I couldn’t do it that’s for sure. R
I can’t believe the nerve of that woman to ask you to do that when u hardly know her! I wouldn’t have had the guts to say no either – what a nightmare! Perhaps you should send her an invoice for the 4 hours of childcare… 🙂
Leanne, That’s exactly what I thought, this is some seriously cheap child care! I now have boyz germs all over my house! R
Oh my goodness, how rude is that in all aspects!!! I can’t believe anyone would do that. Not only asking you when she barely knows you, but to come back two hours late is crazy rude!
Leah, it was a nightmare! My Son had fun that’s the only thing good out of it, I had high blood pressure and thought I was now a mother of 4, ahhhh. R
What did you say when she picked him up?? I think i would have found it hard to feign a smile let alone a pleasant conversation 🙂
You know what I just bite my lip and said ‘he had a good time’ oh I am so weak!!! R
I think that is just awful it wasn’t a playdate it was babysitting. Did she apologise for being late? I think there is a BIG difference and I agree there should be etiquette to playdates. I once arranged to have my kids visit a friend each during school holidays for for the day as I was really sick (turned into Pneumonia) . One of the mothers misunderstood, she dropped her daughter off at my place for the full day, she literally dropped her, the girl (grade 1 at the time) got out of the car and mum had driven off before I could let her inside, I was too sick to entertain kids for a playdate. I think walking your child to the door is polite.
Kat, she didn’t apologise I was a bit shocked, shocked by the whole event really! I flick back and forwards in my head, is she rude or is she smart, she had a kid free afternoon, I didn’t! R
Wow, that is rude. I have never heard that happen to anyone before and she didn’t even ring to say she would be late!? Good for you though keeping your feelings to yourself. You are the stronger person!
Julie, yes rude, yes me polite! Can’t wait to cash in my Karma! R