Living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t mean you need to deprive yourself of yummy treats it just means you need to get a little creative. Today I have created this idea as I wanted a yummy mud cake but knew I’d just end up eating the whole cake if left alone with it, true story, so I made these little brown gooey bites of goodness.
Now you can use anything you have at home, test and adjust the mix as you go, you just need to end up with a gooey mix for the base and something chocolaty for the top. You can flavour it with coffee, mint, fruit & nuts anything you can think of I have chosen to go for a peanut butter taste here in mine.
To get you started here is the framework for the brownies, you can get as creative as you like and add just about anything.
1 Cup LSA (Linseed, Sunflower seed & Almond Meal)
1 tspn Coconut Oil
3 Large Tbspn Natural Peanut Butter
3 Large Tbspn Cocoa Powder
2 Scoops Vanilla Protein Powder
Then I wet the mix with Soy milk to get it to stick together, when it got too wet I added shredded coconut to dry it out. Point is anything works.
80% Cocoa Chocolate melted with a tspn of Coconut Oil, to this I added chia seeds.
Make the base in a blender or mixer pop in a flat tray lined with baking paper. Freeze. Pour chocolate on top, sprinkle with nuts or chia seeds. Keep in the fridge. You now have a homemade protein bar or a chocolaty snack for after dinner.
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