Craving chocolate but don’t want to undo a weeks worth of hard work with commercial chocolate full of sugar and fat then you need to try these little bad boys. If your family are peanut free, try almond butter, if your family are nut free just leave it out all together and just try the chocolate.
5 Level Table Spoons of coconut oil
7 Tea Spoons of cacao powder
(not to be confused with cocoa powder)
Pinch of Salt
1 Table Spoon of Coconut Sugar
Melt coconut oil and mix all ingredients together to make raw chocolate
Natural Peanut Butter
Spoon chocolate into silicon cupcake moulds, layer with natural peanut butter, then top with another layer of your raw chocolate. Pop in the freezer, they wont take long to set then enjoy a guilt free chocolate snack.
All ingredients can be found at your local supermarket, failing that try your health food shop.
P.S. If you have the capacity I would love you to donate any amount to help me raise funds for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. My team are running in the Color Run in Sep and using it as an opportunity to raise some much needed funds .

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