Another awesome chance for you to win a great prize as part of my partnership with Fitness First. This time they are helping me to pay it forward by giving two lucky readers the boost to reach their fitness goals for 2014. Keep reading to find out more.
Just recently I heard about the new gadget Fitbit it sounded pretty awesome so I got myself one to try it out. Basically it is a wrist band you wear that tracks your activity and your sleep. You take out the device inside the band and pop it into the USB cable it comes with to upload the data it has collected. It shows you the following:
- The amount and level of activity you have or have not achieved each day.
- The amount of steps you have taken each day.
- The amount of calories you have burnt each day.
- The amount of sleep you got each night.
You can event take one step further and track your calories in and water consumption on the website. It is really a great tool for accountability and it is quite surprising to see just how much or how little you have done each day. Or more importantly just how little quality sleep you are getting each night, it tracks if and when you are restless and how many times a night you woke up.
I have mine set for a goal of 10,000 steps each day. Some days I make it by 11am just doing normal day to day things other days I hardly reach 4,000 due to sitting at a desk for those days. So it has really been quite eye opening especially how I seldom get 8 hours sleep at night, something I am now working on improving.
1. Like My Facebook Page
2. Tag a Friend on my Facebook Page
3. Share the giveaway on Facebook
You must do all three things to be in the running.
Winner will be announced on Facebook on Sunday 27July2014, winner will be notified by Facebook so be sure to check back in.
Good Luck to you and thank you to Fitness First for the awesome opportunity to give two lucky readers a Fitbit each.
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on health, fitness, organising, DIY, parenting, meals, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

Would live the chance to try one of these. Have been looking at them for a while 🙂