As well as having my head in the fridge a lot I am also in and out of the pantry many times a day. I really find it time well invested in having an organised well stocked pantry as it is the difference between being able to put dinner on the table or getting caught out with no pasta sauce when you’ve already cooked the mince and spaghetti. I turn everything so it’s facing forwards, a bit like a shop would so at a quick glance you can see what you have at your finger tips.
I store everything related in groups, like the breakfast stuff is at kid height all together, the baby stuff is all together, all the baking ingredients are in containers together, the cans and jars all live together you get my drift. This really makes it easy when grabbing things out or putting them back quickly, saves hunting around for things, if you make a home for them you will always know where to look.
I like to put as many foods like pasta, rice, cereals in clear containers as this stops you from running out. If you are making a shopping list and you see a box of crackers you think yep we have them, but if they are in a clear container you can see that you actually only have 2 left. I haven’t gone all Tupperwear OCD like I’ve seen some pics on the net, to be honest most of my containers are from Coles!
A good thing to have in the pantry is a ‘utility container’ I’ve named it. It was born out of a need to shove things my husband would never put away, so it ended up being really handy. It’s a little collection of things you need often yet don’t want to go out to the shed to get, like a hammer, tape measure, even pantry things like bin liners, packing tape all sorts, very handy.
If you want your pantry to be more organised it’s really easy, open it up, grab the bin because there will be things out of date chuck them. Find things that are related and group them together, so all the breaky stuff together, all the condiments together, all the pasta and rice together that sort of thing. Another thing I find really handy is having two tubs for recycling at the bottom of the pantry, so every time a box of weetbix is finished it goes right in to the recycling tub as opposed to sitting on the bench waiting to be taken out side to the recycling bin.
Spend some time having a look at your pantry and see if you can find ways to make it more organised. This is truly time well spent as it will help you to see and know what you have on hand at any time and it will also help you stop running out of important ingredients. So don’t use the pantry as a place to just shove food, think of it as your little corner store, give it some love and you will have a much better result every time you open it once you get it sorted you may even find you save money on buying what you already had right there hidden under other things. Now get off the computer and go cull your pantry!
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