13 DAYS & 13 WAYS TO A NEW YOU IN 2013
If you want to grow and make more of yourself (as we all do) a great way is to set personal goals for yourself. Without goals in mind you will find you just kind of drift along the Mummy track existing day to day, but if you have a goal to aim towards it just gives you some focus and direction as to where you are heading. Start with small goals. If you aim too high you may scare yourself off. No matter what, after you have read this you must set at least one goal let’s get started on something this year, no more sitting on the couch in self-pity or being held back by fear.
The best way to do this is to day dream, what is it you would change, make better, like to do, like to achieve? Think of the 1st of Jan 2014 what would you like to have done by that date? The answers become your goals. If your goal is big break it down in to baby steps. These goals are what is going to motivate you, so there is no point saying I want to back pack around Europe but in reality you have a 2 & 5 year old (I hear ya). So a realistic goal could be to learn to speak some French this year! I’m just saying your goals need to be attainable. Keeping with our theme here of a better you, set these goals around your wants, needs and dreams not anyone else’s ok.
If you want to lose 10kgs this year there is no reason you can’t. If you want to start or finish studying there is also no reason you can’t. Get out of the “I’m just a Stay At Home Mum” mode and think of it as a great time to do some other things while you stay at home! Or are you stuck in “I’m a Mum, I work full-time so I have no time” mode, it’s an excuse and this year you are ditching it! There really is nothing you can’t achieve as long as you want it bad enough. Stop procrastinating and get your life back sister.
It’s a dream until you write it down, then it’s a goal. In you diary you bought write down you goals at the front, read them every other day so you know them. Tell others, tell your kids, tell your husband, make yourself accountable. To help you come to a goal use these questions:
WHAT IS YOUR GOAL? To become a Personal Trainer
TO ACHIEVE IT I WILL? Complete my course starting 21Jan13
MY REWARD WILL BE? Becoming qualified and being able to pass on what I learn
I KNOW I CAN ACHIEVE IT BECAUSE? I want it badly enough (& I’ve paid!!!)
I WILL ACHIEVE IT BY? My birthday 1st of May course ends 12th of April
Set a few goals for yourself, hell set as many as you like but you must set some or you will drift aimlessly through 2013 also. All must be believable and attainable. Think of it like you are entering a contract with yourself, this is one contract you don’t want to break.
IN 2013 I WILL………………..
So have a think and work out your goals, write them down and tell your nearest and dearest so they can help you make them happen. What are you goals going to be?
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on health, fitness, organising, DIY, parenting, meals, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

Hey Renee –
Love that: “Be the BEST version of me yet”…..Mind if I steal it? (+ lose that last 10kgs!) 🙂
Happy New Year to you and yours – it can be, we just have to want it and make it happen.
Amanda x
P.S. Keep on blogging – ALWAYS a great entertaining and informative read!
Amanda, steal away I love sharing my ideas. Thanks for your comments! Making it happen! R