13 DAYS & 13 WAYS TO A NEW YOU 2013
We are 11 days in to the new you and we have worked on reprogramming your mind set towards creating a NEW YOU. I haven’t mentioned once about losing weight because that’s not what this was about. This was about cleaning up your mind, which would lead to cleaning up your choices. Today I am going to remind you, because you are an intelligent woman and you already know this, that you need to start getting more active, start moving your arse. No one can make you do this, this one is on you. Only you hold the power over yourself as to whether you actually do something active today or you continue to be sedentary. If you are already active then lets work on stepping it up to the next level.
Most people fail not because they lack desire but they lack commitment. We have all made the commitment to ourselves that this year we are getting off our butt and are going to make 2013 our year. Part of this means getting active and starting to get healthier. I know you want it and I want it for you so it’s time to get your sh*t together and stop making excuses and start today.
It will hurt, it will require self discipline, it will require will power, it will require sacrifice, it will require commitment, it will require consistency. But you know what? IT WILL BE WORTH IT I PROMISE! Nothing worth having comes easy, but your health is really worth having that makes it really worth it.
Anything that gets you to huff and puff a bit is working. Play with the kids outside, walk the dog, go for a walk on your own kind of faster than a stroll, go swimming, jump rope, dance, look at one of my workouts. Anything that lasts for 20 minutes you are making a difference. Think 20 minutes isn’t enough and you don’t have time, cr*p 20 minutes is better than 20 minutes on the couch or computer. Do it sister, do it now.
If what you have done in the past didn’t work, then think outside of your little box. What could you try this time? I’d recommend you try something you actually like, make it a nice thing to do for yourself not a part of your day you dread.
HOMEWORK: Do something active today for 20 minutes to get you started. Write it in your diary with a smiley face that today you did some exercise.
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on health, fitness, organising, DIY, parenting, meals, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

Hey Renee, Im looking for ways to get more active, but without the gym as we truly cannot afford anymore outgoings at the moment, having just had baby num3 and being unable to breastfeed I have had to buy hugely expensive formula..anyways, i digress, my question for you is: how did you incorporate more exercise into your day with your wee baby when you were so sleep deprived and already having to run around taking care of your other two kiddlywinks? this is the part i am struggling with, finding the extra bit of time for myself or trying to do it with my other kids around. any ideas welcomed 🙂 we already walk to kindy and school and back but that is not enough really, for me to feel energised by it.i dont need to lose weight, im 60kg and happy with that for now but i do want to feel happier and healthier and ENERGISED even of i only grab 5 hours of broken sleep a night at present 🙁
Hey Angela, I can SO relate that was me not that long ago. After num1 I hired a treadmill and at his 11am sleep everyday on went Dr Phill and I walked until I could run again on the treadmill in the lounge room (winter). With num2 I couldn’t afford a treadmill (dropped num1 off at kindy) while num2 slept I made circuits around the house out of things, like a skipping rope, Swiss ball, ran laps around our swimming pool, did lunges, squats, push ups, danced, anything to get my heart rate up for 30mins a day. It worked. Didn’t step foot in a gym did it all at home mostly with no gear just body weight and determination. With num3 I was already a member at my gym with a free creche and started back when he was 8wks old. My gym membership cost me $20 a wk, before that I walk around the shops spending more than that on crap I didn’t really need anyway. Hope this gives you some ideas I will do a post on it to give you some more ideas maybe some home type workouts too. R