To help make your JanYOUary totally awesome I promised to motivate you and stick with you 100% working towards a Fit & Fabulous new you. Well I am so excited to share with you that the wonderful people at Fitness First have come on board to help me spread my message of Fit & Fabulous. So far I have shared with you my awesome, super easy and kid friendly clean eating guidelines, that I know work. They have worked for me and I have had so many awesome emails and Facebook messages of it working for others. Now I am ready to move on to the next important element we are going to work on refining this year and that is your fitness.
Let me share my fitness goals for 2014 with you. I have always been very active and quite fit as a result. For most of my adult life I was in the Army so I was always really motivated to stay fit in order to keep up with the guys I worked with. Well things change, you get older, you have three kids and keeping that fit becomes a bit tougher. I have also had my time as an unfit unhappy fatty too don’t get me wrong. With each baby on average I have put on 20kgs, yuck and it was hard to shift but I wanted it badly enough. I have also fallen into lazy bliss where you take your fitness for granted and just stop all together. Where a few days off becomes a few weeks off, or work gets in your way, or the kids take up all your time. Then you try on a pair of jeans and they just aren’t fitting how you remember them fitting! Hey it happens to us all. However it’s recognizing it and getting your arse back into to gear is the difference between being happy or miserable.
So what are my fitness goals this year? To kick lazy bliss in the butt and get back to feeling awesome. I want to push myself and get as fit as I can be, I will do this by working out in some shape or form up to six days a week. I want to get strong not skinny, I want to get fit and fabulous! All of our goals will be different as we are all living a very different life but with a little bit of help, a steer in the right direction we can all achieve our goals by really and truly putting our fitness first.
The awesome people of Fitness First are giving me these unbelievable prizes for ONE lucky Australian reader to win. What all those prizes for one reader? Sh*t yeah sister we don’t muck around here we mean business. We are that serious about getting your attention and starting to work on your fitness that this little collection is definitely going to get you motivated.
Why do I want YOU to win these prizes? The tablet is to record your progress and for you follow my blog and Facebook page. The Jacket is so you look good while you workout, if you look good you will feel good. The iPod shuffle is for you to listen to tunes while you workout as music is a must for me. Last but not least the mag subscription will keep you motivated and give you lots of awesome tips.
Step 1. Subscribe by hitting the LIKE button on Belle Amie Mother of Three’s Facebook page.
Step 2. Comment below with your fitness goal for 2014.
I will be the one who picks my lucky awesome winner. Good Luck!
If you would like to find out more about what is happening at Fitness First CLICK HERE
New members of Fitness First can pledge their goals online CLICK HERE
Terms & Conditions. This competition is for Australian residents only. It is a game of skill. The winner is only eligable by subscribing and leaving a comment below. The competition closes on Friday 31 January 2014 at 5pm. The winner will be notified by email or Facebook. Total prize value $491.90. If the winner has not made contact with me 14 days after the draw a second winner will be selected. This post is in partnership with Fitness First which is totally awesome!
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on health, fitness, organising, DIY, parenting, meals, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

My fitness goal for 2014 is to run a half marathon. This will take a lot of training and dedication, especially as my training runs get longer. Nutrition will be important as my body will need lots of fuel.
After losing 15 kilos last year, my fitness goal is to continue to exercise 5-6 days per week so I can get stronger and fitter!
Hi Renee!
First up – looooove your blog! Can’t believe you give away all of the knowledge and information that you do FOR FREE!! Just awesome!
My fitness goal for this year is to run the City to Surf. I was originally signed up to do it in 2011 and then found out I was pregnant. So I signed up again in 2012 and guess what? Found out I was pregnant again. So…with two beautiful bubbas now done and dusted – I am ready!
2014 is my year. I am training in the gym, doing every fun run I possibly can and am determined not to get knocked up again!
Thanks for running such an awesome, motivating site.
My fitness goal for 2014 is…. Firstly divided into professional and personal.
Professionally I would like to, correction WILL inspire and help as many of my clients as possible to get fitter & healthier and achieve THEIR fitness goals for 2014 and the rest of their lives. It’s brilliant been a personal trainer and having a job that can help people so much that in turn they then help their family and friends, the ripple effect, how rewarding is that?? ;-))
Personally…. This is a little harder, just because I have the skills and knowledge doesn’t always guarantee I have the motivation everyday, I am human after all!!! However I am hoping to start a family this year so that is my motivation and goal… To be as fit, healthy and strong as I can be to ensure I hopefully get pregnant and then look after my body as best I can so it looks after my baby as best as it can…. This isn’t just a New Years resolution for me, this is a life change, fingers crossed…. ;-))
2014 is the year of me finally look kin after myself. It is a holistic approach and I am taking control if my eating, I am exercising daily and taking time for me. 3kg down so far and cannot wait for this to continue. I have also started the c25k program and all is looking good in week 4!!!
My goals for 2014 include;
• Learning and modelling to my children clean, healthy eating
• Making exercise part of my daily routine and enjoying it!
• Increasing my core strength to protect my back (especially in my work as a nurse and mum)
• Improved energy and mood
Fitness goal for 2014, is to drop about 25kg, and get back into some of my awesome clothes and to run the bridge to brisbane in 2014.
Thank you so much for the wonderful motivation you have given me this year so far to get me back looking fabulous!
I have had my second baby 11 weeks ago now, so of course my fitness goal is to get back in shape and get my energy back! I have never had a toned looking body, always a plain, straight up and down, slimish body. So along with losing the baby weight I want to be toned and have some muscles!
Looking forward to sharing an ‘after’ photo with you!
Thanks Jane 🙂
My fitness goal is to lose the extra 20 kgs I am carrying and to lower my blood pressure without medication. I also want to set a good example to my girls. As an older mum I owe it to them to maintain the best physical fitness I can in order to be around for them.
Having had my third and final baby six months ago my fitness goal this year is to get my pre kids body back and to get fit and healthy. It’s about me now, I’ve had my babies I’ve shared my body and now it’s all mine again, I don’t have to stretch it back out. I can be a size 8 and stay a size 8! I’ve already started with my fitness program and it feels great to take that hour for myself and not feel guilty about it.
P.s love your blog gives me plenty of motivation and inspiration that a fellow mummy of 3 with a hubby who works away can find time to be fit then so can I! 🙂
Hi Renee, firstly I just want to say thank you for your blog and FB page. I found you at the perfect time. Whilst I’m not a fan of New Years resolutions ( I never stick to them) I had decided that 2014 would be my year to become fit and fabulous. Your suggestions are practical and easy to follow. As an added bonus I really enjoy the food! So 2014 come at me! I’m excited to see just how fabulous I can be 🙂
I had 4 babies in 5.5 years – my eldest is now 7 and my youngest 21 months. Even though I have never been skinny or fit, I put on a lot of baby weight on top of my already fuller figure. I recently lost 5kg, but my goal for 2014 is to lose another 20 and be fit enough to play sports with my kids and not have to sit down exhausted after 5 minutes!
I am already a liker of your page, so hopefully I qualify for that.
My fitness goal:-
Before kids, I was the fit one. The one that said “who needs motivation, just get out of bed and do it”. I couldn’t understand the ones that said “I don’t have motivation”.
I am now that person.
This year my youngest child starts school. And my goal is to get back that person who was fit. That looked forward to exercise at least every other day. When I step out the door to exercise I am 100% in the moment.
I am overweight and would love to lose 10kgs. But the more I focus on that, the more I put on. Losing the weight would be a added bonus, but definitely not the goal.
I’m turning 40 this year and I can’t carry this excess weight in to my 40’s, I have to make some changes that will be life changing. Plus, we are heading to Europe for a wedding later this year and what a better place to look fab and 40 in?
My fitness goal is to be fitter then pre bub. I had finally actually started exercising and for once in my life i loved it. Yep loved running. 20kgs and an emergency csection later i now have my beautiful little girl and my body again amazed me. Although im only 5kgs off pre bub weight thats not what bothers me. I miss running and feeling healthy
I have just started following your clean eating guide and have also just signed up for the next round of 12wbt! It’s not too late to show my kids that we can change the way we eat, think and exercise!! Hubby’s even on board – WIN!!! My goals are to get fit and strong and show my kids a healthier way to live
My goal is to walk each day and play in the park with my daughter to build my strength
My overall fitness goal for 2014 is to eat clean, exercise regularly and to set a good example for my daughter. My personal goal is to exercise and eat clean so i feel sexy and confident within myself
My 2014 to be a healthier happier person and be the smallest I have ever been not the heaviest fatty I currently am… No more excuses time to kick the fat!!
My fitness goal in 2014 is to go from couch to 5k. I am hoping to lose the extra 15 kg since having my twins and enter my first 5k run!!!!
To get off my ageing ,lazy, full of excuses butt and use my new gym membership, will be a start!
This has taken some thinking today but here goes! 2014 for me will include: happiness by choice, healthy food swaps, home workouts, push-ups in the park & saving for a family holiday. Love your blog, thanks for the inspiration.
My Fitness Goals in 2014 are …
* to get back on track (and get off my growing computer butt) with enjoyable, varying exercises that gets my weight back to it’s healthy state and me into my former clothes size 6 years ago (which includes my togs as I’ve missed out on a LOT of swimming).
* to get back on track eating well – a nutritionally and sensibly balanced plan – but not spending too much time fussing in the kitchen either.
* to experience again more energy and that “bounce outta bed in the morning feeling” that you have with fitness (not that drag myself out and feeling like I just went to bed exhaustion).
* to not puff and pant when doing simple things (that shouldn’t require puffing and panting) and to be able to bend at the knees comfortably/easily when crouching to get stuff out of the cupboard.
* to also keep up with our energetic dogs who I’ve missed walking with, and they have missed having those long walks too, no doubt.
* to have some good memory making experiences outdoors with our family, while inadvertently exercising enjoyably together!
🙂 thanks for this opportunity Renee, not only for a great comp, but to think about and put in writing why I should be doing this, which is something not only to benefit myself but my family as well!
My fitness goal is to be able to run a 5k by the end of the year, also to lose weight and be healthy so maybe i will be lucky enough to have baby #2.
This year I have set my goal as running a half marathon. It’s a pretty daunting one for me but I am keen to embrace a healthier lifestyle and have the half marathon as my reward as opposed to a scary event! I’ve started yoga and swimming to help strengthen and prevent injuries, so I’m having fun already!
I have put exercise off for years and years but this year I have made a schedule to start exercising and finally opening my yoga dvds and getting my lazy butt into gear !
After the birth of my second son, I developed PND & lost all motivation. Throw in a flood, a few house moves & you have one unhappy, unfit Lici! This year my goal is to incorporate my kiddies into my daily exercise routine. I want to show my boys that exercise can be fun & can be done everyday. My goal is to show them how awesome being fit can be!
My fitness goal for this year is to get back to my goal weight of 75kg; this will be done by tracking my food and hitting my macros, as well as training weights 3xweek and cardio 3xweek.
To continue to refine our families food choices and participate in outdoor activities with my boys
My goal for this year is pretty simple really. I dislocated and badly damaged both my knees late last year so my goal is to build up the muscles to prevent this from happening again, and secondly, to workout for at least 20 minutes three times a week, hopefully more! It seems small but I have to start somewhere and so far I’m going well yay!
I was well on my way to reaching my goals and then 2013 hit me. I lost focus, I became down on myself and life, I lost confidence and I was full of excuses. 2014 is my year I’m determined to turn it around and give myself a chance. I am going to work hard at the gym and make time for classes such as boot camp and killer core. I will train at home as well running, bike riding etc and eat healthy. No more excuses there is always a way, I just need to believe in myself. I want to have more confidence in myself and be proud of who I and what I can be.
I am a mother of 3 kids with my youngest starting 4-year old kinder this year I am about to get 15 hours all to myself for the first time in 9 years -woohoo!
Definitely more time to concentrate on being the best I can be and I intend to make the most of it!
My fitness goal this year, is to find the motivation to lose the last 8 kgs to get to my goal. Trying to find time between 2 kids under 3 can be a struggle but I’m getting there thanks to your help.
After a stressful 2013 trying to study, renovate our home to sell and raise 3 kids with a husband who works away a lot I very much neglected my health and fitness. I went from being able to run 12km in the City to Bay, and had energy to feeling tired, low and gain weight. To be a better mum and wife I know I need to turn this around and get fit again, eat better and stay motivated. My goals are to be more prepared each day with regards to healthy food, more organised with meals, teach my kids better eating and to make fitness a priority and hopefully run the City to Bay again. I want to gain some muscles 🙂 and to make the time to run regularly as this is my outlet and good for mental health. I also want to exercise more with my kids in a fun way and have less screen time! Thanks so much, you are an inspiration Renee xxx
I have a few goals my first goal is to start looking after myself as a mom of 9 I tend to forget about me and so this year I’m changing the way I eat, I want to lose 15 kilos, and learn how to run…
I’m following your healthy posts and have lost a couple of inches from my waist and a kilo since last week….
So thank you for motivating us.
My fitness goal for 2014 is to get fit & healthy for ME. My son said to me these holidays when we were playing -” Mum, I hardly ever see you laugh” so the greater aim of getting fit is to increase my confidence and enjoy getting involved in life again. Your blog has definitely made starting this process much easier, thankyou
My fitness goal for 2014 is to be able to run. I probably haven’t run since I was 8, I’m going to make 2014 the year it happens!! I’ve started by walking 4kms everyday and I’m increasing my speed each time.
In 2013 your blog helped me with the tools and motivation to lose 15kg and work up to 5km runs.
Now my bub is nearly 1, my toddler is 3 and I am returning to work part time. My goals for 2014 are to:
– eat well and feed the family well
– be consistent with my running (5km, 3 times per week) and cross training
– run 10km in the Masters games in October
– lose the last 5kgs
– find a new normal with all these balls to juggle 🙂
Thanks for your support
Oh! I just found your blog when searching for clean eating.
To eat well and eat clean is my 2014 goal. I want to incorporate daily exercise actually go to the gym classes I always plan to attend!
Fingers crossed as this prize sounds amazing
My goals for 2014 are to not gain so much weight in my third pregnancy and when bub arrives in June I won’t have too much to lose. I want to start making healthy choices in food now and always but be realistic so I can stick with it. I want to improve my fitness so I have more energy in the day from morning to night and improve my well being as well, as how I feel is the most important thing that will keep me staying healthy in my mind and body and on track to achieving these goals for 2014. Less weight, less stress, better choices and enjoying life as a mum of soon to be three!
My goal is to lose weight and become a fit mumma so I can keep up with my three boys 🙂
My fitness goal is to continue with going to the gym up to five times a week. (I started at the gym a year ago and have seen some good results that I want to build upon.)
I am going to build up my muscle tone and strength with more weights sessions and lose those extra couple of kilo’s that are still hanging around since having had four babies.
I am also challenging myself to do a mud run.
I want to be able to run 5 km’s without stopping!
Thanks for your blog to continuing to help motivate me and keeping it real 🙂
Goodluck with your goals too!
My goals for 2014 is to start to live life to the fullest. Because I have been overweight for most of my adult life, my goal is to be able to run, and have more energy and to start being a good role model for my children so they can learn that being active and keeping active is a way of life, not a chore. It will be baby steps, but I will do this!
My fitness goal is to keep up my current gym sessions whilst surviving my recent separation and pending divorce and nurturing my two small children whilst holding down a full-time job…gym at lunch time it is then!!!
My fitness goal for 2014 is to lose my excess baby weight (after having two in two years) by having the whole family involved in a lifestyle change. That way being fit and healthy will be the norm and for 2015 I can make a completely original resolution like having a French day once a fortnight 🙂
Hi Renee 🙂
My fitness goal is to lose 10 kg! I had my 3rd baby in 4 years in June 2012 and never lost the final 5kg. In November last year I had a very nasty bout of double pneumonia (and collapsed lung) and lost a whole lot of heap of strength and fitness and gained weight lots of weight (i have lost 3.5kg so far) My baby weight clothes are gone but my pre baby clothes don’t fit and I REFUSE to buy clothes in a bigger size!
My 2014 fitness goal is City to Bay in September as a runner, not a walker! And a small triathlon!
My 2014 goal is to nail the changes made so they become normal and not my ‘new way’.
Changes are now in the process and showing my family the right way so they have life long habits of fitness and health are so important to me.
If health and fitness are natural, the fun I can have with my family is endless!
Hi Renee,
My 2014 fitness goal is to schedule exercise into my life. With two babies and a full time job, there is no time for exercise unless I MAKE the time and stick to it. In May I will also do the HBF Run for a Reason – training starts NOW! X
Hi Renee,
My fitness goals for 2014 are to include Yoga and Pilates into my exercise routine along with other high tensity classes that I currently do as I have started to notice knee and back pain and my goals are to be fit and healthy and mobile for the rest of my life.
I had 3 babies in 15 months, (twins now 6 and one 5 yo) I would never of been able to get through the last 6 years with out exercise goals. I can’t honestly say I love exercising but I know the benifits out weigh the pain and it defiantly is a way to distress a very stressed working mum of 4.
I started clean eating 6 months ago and I try to ensure my children are active and eat well most of the time. 2 of my children have low muscle tone and I am doing everything I can to help them strengthen their core muscles without realising they are doing it. I want them to see a healthy lifestyle as a normal lifestyle.
Thank you so much for your blog, it has really helped with saving time and giving great tips on clean eating!
I want to become what my affirmation has been for a long time now – healthy, happy & active, all areas of my life that need a lot of work right now. I want to get in very shape so I feel fabulous & more positive, so I’m a fun Mum (& a great role model) for my daughter, & in preparation for round 2. I have a long way to go (been on the diet & exercise merry-go-round for a very long time), but every small step counts & I’m motivated!
After having four children in three years (Twins) I need to get back the fitness I once had. Running around after them has helped me lose 17kg but there a few extras hanging around that could go. I would like to be fit, healthy and a good role model for them. I’d like to show them that fitness is fun.
Hi Renee,
Thankyou for the opportunity to win this amazing prize! Your blog has served as a great no excuses get back to it for me! I had been over weight most of my life and between child 2 and 3 I got to my comfortable body! gained all back during 3rd pregnancy and now have somewhere around 7kgs to lose. This needs to happen before April because I’m starting uni! I will be studying a Bach in health science (food and nutrition) I have been so inspired over the years by different people in my own journey and when I am qualified plan to smash up the childhood obesity issue, I’m very passionate about helping children (and their parents) so they don’t live through what I did.
Love reading your blog, thanks for all the straight forward motivation 🙂