Monkey see, monkey do right, well it’s just so darn true. Whatever we do, our little monkeys are always watching and talking it in, and taking it on. Watch what they say, watch what they do, it is a direct reflection of yourself, bit scary hey. All you can do is model your best self and part of that is role modeling a healthy active lifestyle. I love keeping fit and being healthy, without doing it on purpose my kids have picked up this attitude, which is great.
In the last 12 months a have entered a few Fun Run’s because I enjoy running and raising money for great causes. With each Fun Run I have dragged the kids along and somehow had them there with someone at the finish line so they could see their Mum doing something outside of the kitchen! I think it’s important for them to see me as a doer not just think of me as their maid! What I didn’t realise was they would take this in and also want to be a part of it. Mr 8 has been begging me for a while now to run with me in a Fun Run. I couldn’t understand why an 8 year old would want to do this, then I realised there would be people who wouldn’t understand why even I do it. So I am embracing his enthusiasm and I had been waiting for the perfect Fun Run to come along to suit him and I have found it.
Help Me Raise Some Money!!
Sunday 25th of November is a 4km Santa Fun Run, ‘Be a Claus for a Cause’ is its war cry! Everyone dresses up in a Santa suit and runs all the while raising money for Variety the children’s charity. The 2012 Santa Fun Run “cause” is the Variety Splints Program. This helps children to gain mobility, so for as little as $50 you can help a child walk, run or play. This event is being held in all states in Australia (sorry except Tas) so if you every wanted to try a Fun Run you should register as it is a great distance to start 4km, or you could walk.
Donate by clicking the box below or CLICK HERE, thank you 🙂
So I was thinking you might like to make a donation towards this great cause that way you get to be a part of it and you don’t even have to leave the computer chair I wil do all the work and so will Mr 8! Come on grab your wallet and make a donation, how ever small it all adds up!
Varity Santa Fun Run Click here to register, go on just do it it will be FUN!!!

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