Earlier this week I was invited to attend a product launch as a Blogger, yep as a Blogger, check me out!! Fake it until you make it, that’s how I’ve been running this blog thing and to be invited to something like this for me was a bit exciting! It was a product launch for Sue Ismiel’s company Nad’s Wax, you’ve probably all heard of it and even tried one of her many products at some stage. See Sue is a mother of three daughters whom with their middle eastern background gave them lots of dark body hair. So SuperMum Sue spent 12 months in her kitchen working on a product to use on her daughters that would solve this hairy problem.
She finally came up with a safe, natural product that worked so well she took it to markets, where it eventually exploded becoming the entire families business and is now being exported to other countries. What was so interesting for me about this product launch was being able to met the founder Sue in person and hear her wonderful success story that really could happen to anyone, if you chose to be a dooer!
Nad’s Wax is celebrating 20 years of fuzz free happy customers, and top of that they have a new product about to hit the shelves. A world first safe way to remove nose hair. Not that I had given nose hair any real thought but I guess it could be quite embarrassing but fear not as now their is a safe way to remove it privately. OK so yes I tried it, how can I go to a product launch, blog about it and not try it! It really didn’t hurt and you can breath noticeable better after, don’t panic it doesn’t touch the cilia filter hair’s higher up, just the ones that start growing with age and catch boogers in them!!!
Sue was wonderful enough to give me four Nose Wax packs for me to give away to my hairy Yummy Mummies! So if you would like to win one in my first ever give away leave a comment below telling me why! As this is my rock show I get to pick the nose that will win!! Good luck, bad luck for your nose hairs!!!
If you enjoy reading my blog please VOTE for me in the Top 25 Australian Mum Blogs
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Every bit counts in the race for beauty when you’re a mummy so I’d love to give it a try 🙂
Jessica, one coming your way!! Email me your address and I will stick it in the mail asap. renee@belleamiemotherofthree.com or message me on facebook which ever works for you! R
Hi Renee I’m an Aussie but a hairy one! Ive been plucking my nose hairs for years and its so painful so I was so excited to read this post about a solution!! I would love to fix this issue of mine, thank you!
Kath, one coming your way as well!! Email me your address and I will stick it in the mail asap. renee@belleamiemotherofthree.com or message me on facebook which ever works for you, you are going to love it! R
I love those words – quick + easy!! When you work full time and have to run around after 3 kids those words mean everything – especially in the “beauty” department 🙂
P.S. I love your blog – it has got me on to the path of clean eating + exercise this past few months!!
Melissa, Email me your address and I will send you one asap. renee@belleamiemotherofthree.com or msg me on the facebook page. Thanks liking the blog and I am so glad to hear that. R
For my husband 😉 definitely would live to to give it a go.
Jacqueline, email me you address and I will send you the last one renee@belleamiemotherofthree.com or msg me on the facebook page. R
Thanks for featuring Nad’s and taking part in the blogging contest. Glad you enjoyed the lunch and hope your readers loved the giveaway too. Good luck with getting to the finals!