Little Miss 4 has had always had a passion for fashion. As in she always gets up every morning and gets herself dressed without being asked or told to. She has done this for as long as I can remember. That’s great I hear you say, well kind of! The only problem is some of the things she comes out in are, well, unique! There is always something pink, something sparkling, something to do with a fairy, something with glitter and nothing ever matching! We often go out with her dressed as Snow White or in some kind of fairy dress, something even with wings! Below is what I had to walk next to today!
In the beginning I would say she couldn’t wear that and she would get really upset as she had her heart set on that being her attire for the day. Then it occurred to me, to just be grateful that she can and does dress herself and that I now have to go shopping with a mini Sarah Jessica Parker even just to get milk! People always comment on her outfits, or her costumes. “What’s the occasion?” is the most commonly asked question, I say “no occasion just life!”. She even gets all dressed up for Kindy in the most craziest outfits. I have in the past thought of getting a t-shirt made saying ‘She Dresses Herself’. Sometimes I do worry that people are thinking I made her wear it or I chose it, um no! I can only hope that her passion continues and she continues to express herself in these cute little ways. Do you have a little fashionista living with you?
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Looks like our little girls are alike. I had the unfortunate situation tho of having to convince my little princess that tights are NOT pants. She’s still not convinced.
Haha!! Love it, we too have gone there!!! R