Something I have always wanted to do was have my very own veggie patch but it all seemed too hard, WRONG, it is super easy and today I am sharing my apparent green thumb with the world. I am growing cherry tomatoes, big tomatoes, pumpkins, lettuce, carrots and broccoli, something ate my cucumber plants.
So I figured it was probably about time I picked some of them before they turned in to tomato soup. I can’t get over how many I now have and there is at least 30 more on the vine. So really there was only one thing to do turn their little red butts in to my lunch!
So if you have ever thought about making a veggie garden I’d recommend it. Mine is just outside my laundry door, so every time I am in there (which is everyday) I see them and remember to water them a little. They don’t need anything special really they have kind of just taken care of themselves, I am a bit worried my pumpkin vine is going to take over it’s going that good. Go on give it a try!
Lunch is ready.

[…] garden and I realised we are expecting, yes I found a little baby pumpkin growing! I have mentioned my veggie patch before and how well it’s been doing, well I have more growth to report the pumpkin vine is […]