This is just the cutest thing, Mr One has a favourite toy that I see him playing with everyday to the point where it got me thinking. He has his own toys which most are gifts from his first Christmas last year or his first Birthday. Most if not all of his toys are very traditional boy oriented toys. Like mini colourful plastic tools, balls, noisy steering wheels, all types of cars including ride on types, a few stuffed animals and the odd Sesame Street or ABC character. Mr One has free choice of his own toys vs whatever the bigger kids have left lying around. Little Miss 4 has lost custody of a particular doll that Mr One seems to have adopted.
He loves this thing like it’s a real baby. He is always asking me to put the dummy in and then takes it straight back out (which drives me nuts). He manages to wrap it up in a blanket and carry it all around the house. He lays it on the floor, talks to it, sings to it and pats it on the back. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy as it feels like that’s how he has learnt to treat a baby. We don’t have much to do with babies, in fact he is about as baby as it gets yet he has picked all this up, it blows me away.
Most men are a little scared of newborns, scared their big hands will hurt them or hold them the wrong way. Raising boys we have the chance to have such an influence on them, they really are a blank canvas. I am happy to let him learn about his emotions that years ago would have been frowned upon, ‘boy’s don’t play with doll’s they will turn gay’ that sort of thing. What a joke. Both sexes need knowledge of both sexes traditional roles so I am proud of my little guy, it just seems natural to him to pick up the doll and nurture it, so very beautiful! I might have to have a little chat to him about the whole sleeping the baby on it’s tummy thing though!
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