My Christmas Present To Myself
Yesterday while other Mum’s were out buying handbags, I bought myself a chin up bar! Oh yes I did! I found it for only $12 at Big W and it is now up on the door frame to my walk in robe. So the plan is every time I need new clothes I have to do chin ups and pull ups to enter the door way.
Why is this thing going to be fantastic? Because pull ups develop the biceps, triceps and shoulders. No more chicken wings for this hen. It also strengthens your back for hot lats and trapz. Everyone wants a sexy back for summer right, well for $12 and a little bit of determination you might just be able to achieve it. It gets better, your abdominal muscles are given a good workout with each attempted pull up. I don’t have a personal trainer I have a pull up bar and I’m not afraid to use it!!
All the little monkeys in the house have had a go swinging on it and we’ve all had comps of who can do the most, and we are all going to be sore tomorrow. A chin up bar is a great idea for all you Mum’s who can’t or wont get to a gym, even if you can’t do one single chin up with a bit of time you will be doing them easy and feeling stronger for it. I’ll keep you updated on my guns!!
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