Have You Ever Felt Like If You Don’t Get A Serious Break Soon You Are Going To Explode?
Back in June I wrote a list of five things I really wanted to do this year, I published my list on the blog to make me accountable. So far I have ticked off attending a blogging conference, climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge, and ran in the 12km City to Bay Fun run. There are two things left on my list and I am fast running out of year to achieve them, being a photography course and a Mummy Mini break (just a night somewhere a bit special alone) pretending I’m Angelina Jolie that sort of thing.
So I have decided I am going to organise my night off and it’s going to be amazing! I am actually quietly really looking forward to it. I have had these kids hanging off me 24/7 solo for the most part of this year and I think it’s time I had a break. A change of scenery, a chance to pick what channel I watch, not make little miniature plates of food, go shopping and not have to keep stopping for toilet breaks, no wiping snotty noses, no changing nappies, no cleaning up puppy pooh, no making school lunches, no tripping over Buzz Lightyear or standing on tiny Lego men.
As I type this I feel guilty about even wanting to be alone then that defeats the whole purpose of my intent, I can’t win. Let’s face it family holidays are not for relaxing, I could go with the whole fam but I know I’d come back even more stressed out. I am really stressed out for some reason, I can feel it in my chest, it’s just been a f*@king long year and I feel like I am at my whits end. The next person that refuses to go to bed, spills their entire sippy cup on the floor or wont get out of the bath is going to cop it! So I know my timing is spot on.
This afternoon I am checking out of Mother of 3 mode and I am taking 24hours off duty, thank you to my husband for being so understanding and encouraging me to refresh (I think he gets how mental I am right now!). I may not answer my phone, I may not check Facebook, emails or anything attached to my real life. For 24hrs I’m going AWOL! Have you ever had a 24hr Mummy break, I would love to hear about your experience.
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on health, fitness, organising, DIY, parenting, meals, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

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