I am a blogaholic and it’s been 24 hours since my last post.
Yes it’s true, ask my husband, I have turned in to a monster, a blogaholic monster, really it’s all I can think about, it’s all I talk about, it’s all I dream about! I have always loved reading other peoples blogs, and I have always wanted to start my own so this year I did it, my first post was on the 30th of January which means I’ve been doing this for 1 whole month!
I am so proud that I currently have 64 Liker’s on the Belle Amie Mother of Three Facebook page, thankyou so much for liking my FB page and blog! My goal is to reach 100 Liker’s (I’m a bit competitive can you tell) and to reach 64 in one month is amazing, that’s an average of two a day.
How funny is this, I sit here at the computer blogging in between school/kindy drop offs/pick ups, making vegemite sandwiches, wiping runny noses, cooking tea and trying to blog so much so that I now have a sore back! Yep and it is keeping me out of the gym it has got that bad! My husband thinks I need an intervention, but you know what no one can stop me, I am loving it! I have so much to share with all the yummy mummies out there that I am going to now sit on the couch with the lap top so no more sore back!
If anyone has anything they would like ideas on, a question from a mum to another mum, chances are so does someone else so please feel free to use the Facebook page to ask questions or just make comments, or comment on the blog, I love comments. Not spam though, you should see the spam I get, it’s unreal! So thanks everyone for allowing me to have an audience to blog to, remember sharing is caring please share a link on Facebook with your other yummy mummy friends and help me reach my goal of 100 liker’s, and help them with the hardest job of their life, motherhood!
This is where it all happens, this is where I got my sore back from!! Chair next to me is where someone sits when they make an appointment to speak to me, then it’s back to the blog!
Stay tuned for more great bloggin, I hope!

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